How Legends are Made Part 2 Chapter 4

John tried again to wrench the piece of shoe from the cub's jaws, but again romulus evaded his grab and leaped backwards. he repeated this several times before john managed to get a hold of the tongue, romulus letting out a muffled yelp.

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Chaos Chapter 4: Lurking

It may not seem like it, but not all of the council is won over by romulus' extremes." "my biggest irritation at the moment is not so much romulus, but mustaf of team pride."

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New Life

romulus- jack you cock blocking country whore we started walking away and drowned out romulus's yelling with his naturally loud and southern voice.

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An Unexpected Love

" **it is ready romulus. i.. i mean alpha**" the wolf stuttered and actually shied away in fear from the demanding wolf in front of him.

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Hellacious Mythica (Second Eternity - Eps 4)

romulus rolled over and let dominic rub and scratch his front side. moans of pleasure arose from romulus from all the attention. dominic smiled does the rest of romulus' body.

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West Islands Chapter 7: Assault on the Fortress

Volcan asked, searching the surrounding walls for the zoroark and romulus' arachnoid allies, voltner and zofia. romulus raised a paw, pointing past the blaziken.

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Under The Cherry Blossoms Chapter Ten

_ naki facepalmed and resolved to get moving remembering that they still needed to make sure that master romulus survived the next...actually how much longer was it now?

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In the Mojave: Chapter 3

Then derek did the same, followed by romulus and the large mutant, whose claws looked deadly enough in their own right, even without considering the creature they were attached too.

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North and South Chapter 1: Special Ops

"then consider yourself captained, agent fisher," said romulus. "you will operate the vessel, and the rest of you will follow his directions while he is at the helm." "understood," agreed shamshir. "yes sir," added skyler. "now," romulus began.

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We wish you a magi christmas

"hurry up romulus." zen heard the now distant voice of carver chastising him. "before he puts a knife in your back anyway."

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Chaos Chapter 13: Rescue Mission

"c-captain romulus! it's a wanted poster, for you!" romulus did not seem that surprised by the idea of a price on his head.

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