Roommate Struggles
Maybe if he just pretended to sleep his roommate would leave him alone. "oh spliiiiiiiiiice." jam called out in a sing song voice.
Roommate Training
Okay, this was going to take some work to make his roommate as friendly as he should be. it was going to happen sooner or later, but the fox just happened to push the dragon's hand now.
Frustrating Roommate
The exhausted looking clerk cited multiple reasons about it being the first day, and that my roommate being 'flamingly gay' isn't a respectable reason.
And They Were Roommates
You couldn't ask for a better roommate than someone like him.
Roommate Reduction
Stepping into his shared home, he called out for his roommates. "monty? vostros?" there was no answer.
New Roommates
**new roommates for taiko by draconicon** "so...third floor...or fifth? or..." gus grumbled to himself as he ran his fingers along the directory board on the first floor of the building.
Mistaken Roommates
He knew it was almost time for his roommate to return. so, the young fox turned the light off and snuggled down into his bed.
meeting the roommate
#3 of a boring mall day work of fiction; do not try at home kids "meeting the roommate" vicky woke to the smell of breakfast. the 6-foot vixen got up from her bed, half awake. her mind wanted sleep, but she was hungry too.
The Roommate's Revenge
#2 of roommates sebastian finds himself bound and put on display in an act of revenge by his roommate. an act of revenge which the squirrel thoroughly and deliciously enjoys. this story was written for sebastian.
The Best Roommate
#1 of roommates a helpful roommate assists his friend in unwinding after a long, rather frustrating gaming marathon. :3 this story was written for tuton.
Roommate Dinner
#11 of comm/ych on a rather slow day and a bit of snooping on the fennec's phone, the large jackal decides to help his smaller roommate indulge in his vore fantasy and going a bit further than he initially said they'd go.
The Roommate's Trial
_mmhh_... a fucking amazing roommate."