Love on the sands.
"did you sting me, kate." 'stung you, get stronger, fat man, heavy without sting.'
CatDance #35
Those were stings of a sort. a sort she could learn to use. it might take years, for she would have to become_very_ good at them. but it was hope. a slight smile rose on her lips. "maybe someday," she thought. "we may meet again, ubergod.
It didn't take long for my department to recognize this program's potential in the setup of sting operations.
Lonely Oak Chapter 110 - My Chemical-Burn Romance
But, when he touched it, a sting shot up his fingers. he pulled back, and looked at his palm. it looked normal, but the ache of the sting was still ebbing. he didn't see any paper-cuts, but that's almost what it felt like.
Warmth Under a Paw
Her paw was starting to sting something fierce, and they had been sitting without a word for a decent while.
A Hard Lesson
Zeke smiled slowly as he watched the young body dancing on his lap trying to avoid the hot stinging swats of his large ursine hand. "i told you not to dick around on my rug." smack!
Taking it Out of Her Hands
She could feel the sharp sting resonate through her. ``turn around,'' commanded naveen. she followed his instruction obediently and switched sides. ``still okay?'' he asked. ``more than okay. please...'' she begged.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 5- Indigo Overgrowth pt. 2
One by one thousands of little poison stings punctured his back while he used himself as a shield for his little ones. "rrgh!"
Kayla: Fall in the Park
Ninne cringed and yelped, renewing her hard tears, feeling the ever painful sting of that little studded swatter, landing with the sharpest sting on the palms of her poor claws and fingers.
Jewel: Prologue
Clenching his teeth all the while, the cunning fox hauled himself up the ladder as quickly as he was able, doing his best to ignore the lingering sting in his broken leg.
Kayla: Trouble Sleeping
Kayla supressed her tears to teary sniffles and sobs, crying lighter as she was taken back into her room and placed into bed with a still stingingly welted rear.
United Through Two Worlds Chapter 25
Tom spat into stings face, hating him for even using his name. sting didn't move, not even a twitch.