D.E1 Chapter 22: Supernova

The climax of the first part of d.e 1 starts off with a series of four chapters named "supernova."

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The dog and the cuttlefish

Simultaneously, the angel released a supernova, and the horror a black hole.

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The Dream That Turned Real - The Canine Underworld - Subchapter 4

. =========================================================================== as soon as it started, hellhounds' fury came to a spectacular end-- with a supernova-styled explosion of nuclear proportions, blowing everyone clear into the crater, as hell was

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Hypnovember 2022 #2 : Dreamer

The colours of the stable, the fields, breathed and fluttered through their expanding mind, cascading inwards towards their mind like it was the epicentre of a supernova.

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The D'Turon

"do you recall the unexplained supernova of the cyprus beta system?" "we learned about it in history class; 8 billion souls burned that day." strauss commented.

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Story of the enslaved

He sighed gryphons lived for millions of years and their race had even outlasted their sun and had flown to this planet after their sun had gone supernova. they called earth their home and killed all the dinosaurs after they deducted that they would never

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Wind of Change: Chapter 4

Recently, at 1400 galactic time, an aquran space station is hit by a supernova wave that killed...one million people currently in it. there's no new update coming on right now, but...the space station is designated zeta station by the aqura.

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Christmas Time Chapter 6: New Year's

Though katsu tried to get me to stay on teh dancefloor i pulled him intot eh next rooma nd picked the mat with dancedancerevolution: supernova 2 on.

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36 (DSV Nautica) A Plan

The exploded star had collapsed in on itself with their help, and had just gone to a class 1a supernova. but that wasn't all. the scroll in the bowels of the ship had made its own changes.

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Hunger - A Blaze of Glory Short

But then the ancient sun had gone supernova, putting an end to life on the planet that had crawled with it. the oceans had boiled away, cooking a world's worth of seafood in only a matter of days.

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Dipper Pines: The Love Of Infinity

The pleasure was so holy and bright that the bus went supernova, a searing light emenating from our divine couple and exploding the vehicle, burning mabel, bayonetta and ke$ha intooblivion while dipper and the bus driver raised themselves themselves to most

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Arena, Chapter 9

"the good news is, we've got a couple billion more years before sol goes supernova, which means the planet we're on now isn't earth, and we've got at least a billion years before the galaxies collide.

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