Part V- Total Dallaireian Overhaul

The dull clank of titanium meeting titanium echoed in the steamy confines, muted by a squishy cushion of meat. reese continued to heap blow upon blow the fox, not caring about the bloody mess he made, nor the fact that he spoiled ferro's good looks.

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199 Who Walks by Herself In The Rain

Them about the sethura he works with in the uplift project in khem, how one of them likes to swim with crocodiles in the vast low-reeded river around which the culture that grows there has nucleated, wearing light fish-scaled armour made of thin colourful titanium

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Gates of Osmium Iridium

They have bones of titanium and laugh at the weakness of mortals. the gates of osmium iridium are not abandoned and the mightiest kingdom world has ever known has not died at all.

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U.O.P.I Chapter 1 page 4

There was one last note it is much smaller then the last it reads; "i know how good you are with a sword so i gave you the best of the best, maid from titanium they -like you- shall never bow to the elements".

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The Parahuman Baseline

While the first generation were bioprinted with titanium-reinforced bones, the complete lack of biological interaction exhibited by the metal made it impossible to code the trait into the genome.

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Barren Earth part 2

As i said this a transformation took place my fur turned into titanium armor plate, jet packs grew out of my back and gatling cannons formed around my arms. " ezra with me go grab a jet pack your rifle and a heavy machine gun cause we're gonna need it.

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Lost Archives of the Xenomorphs The begining

They saw him still alive and they opened the titanium doors letting him through. he picked up hi blanket before and walked up the stairs, letting the doors behind him closing.

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Confrontations Part 3

The bullets plinking against the thick titanium alloy plates. felina had recovered and berated herself harshly for her foolish inaction. "covering fire!"

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Red the hunter: saddened days part 4

Red bit his bottom lip and answered "the asmodues has been beaten up before but the titanium platting bellow sure is helping a lot." evan merely smirked as he answered "titanium maybe heavier then steel but it's ten times stronger then it.

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Salla's Plans

The readings he was getting through his mask showed the base molecules stabilizing again, though there were already deep crinkles and wrinkles in the titanium on the far side of the room.

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The Patchwork Soldier Part II

The base was partially buried in the mountain, and armored with six inches of titanium armor, but not even that could withstand about 360 armor piercing missiles per minute.

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P:A chapter 2

#1 of project: animus the faint sound of hydrulics rushing through titanium lined piping could be heard from within the decontamination chamber, giving a warning that the vault leading to the lab was about to unhatch.

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