The Lupine Lab Rat 002

Are you going to be like this every time?Be like what? Unwilling to open your eyes. You wish to escape into the world of dreams, but this is not the place to do so. Quickly! We haven't much time. The voice was becoming intolerably annoying in its...

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I dream each night Of prophecy Of things that may come true. I dream each night Of prophecy, Of fate, Or what have you; I dream each night Of things That can't exist or Can't be true, But every time I Dream of fate And always dream Of...

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All quiet in the woods

The wolf just wondered what the littles found so amazing on his ammunition, but he was happy to see the small pack of winged vixens so cheery with their new presents.

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The Obelisks of Geatha Chapter 1: Grappling in Greenland

Part one of a three part series commissioned by fa: studley-destiny involving the world of wonder universe.

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Mind Control Story: Rannoi Underfoot

Commissioned by sunkit, this story is a little entry into the world of wonder universe. if you like these little short stories, consider coming in during my weekly streams and getting one for yourself. they're only $10, and customized for your needs.

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Survival - Chapter Five - Alive

Avralain yawned as she Watched the First rays of Sunlight appear over the Horizon. She Checked the Ferrets Pulse for about the Hundredth time that night. It was slow, But a bit faster than last night. But at least he Lived through the Night, Which she...

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Survival - Chapter Four - Armory

Or are you wondering what we're doing here? no, don't answer that. everyone likes iron maiden. see, the music attracts them. this is what i do for fun.

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Survival - Chapter Three - Habits

-Alright, I used some Constructive Criticism this time. Hopefully, Its better than the first Two parts. Comment if you like it or if you don't like it but have advice on how i can Improve it- Avralain Yawned, Threw the Blankets off her, And...

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Survival - Chapter Two - Heat

"Oh No... No No No No NO! It can't be Happening so soon." But she Knew she couldn't deny it. She could feel it and she could Smell it. She had been checking For the past couple days, but now she Couldn't Deny it. A warmth that Spread through her body,...

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Survival - Chapter One - Beginnings

"sometimes, i wonder how all this happened in only two months. but then i remember who the enemy is, and it become obvious. i mean, hell, for all i know, i'm the only living being in this entire hell hole!".

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Gutpunch 3 - Cave adventures and thrill quenchers; or how the prospect of money, cryptozoology and semi-bestiality can rekindle old friendships

A harsh wind blew through the forests of the Yunder mountain, bringing with the omen of a blizzard. Atilus, a heavily robed white fox, trekked between the trees, stumbling up and down on the uneven road. He turned back, his eyes scanning the path he...

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Wusky Wanders to Wonder

Wusky wanders to wonder for friskecrisps by draconicon crisp was never entirely keen on spring cleaning, but he knew that if he didn't take care of it while drac was doing...whatever it was the dragon did out of the apartment

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