Tina's story moves to Sofurry

I'm gray muzzle." > > "the author of what, mr. muzzle?" tina challenges > > 'please, call me 'gray. i'm the author of your life story. everything here started with me....." > > "so, you mean....." > > 'you're a story.

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Bad Kitties

Bad Kitty; The Ultimate Yiff Piece (In a salute to the soon-to-be-deceased Yiffstar, I figured there's time for one last, great story. Something really outrageous,. So, here it is. It is the tale of twins Felicia and Felicity, a pair of very...

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Tina's Story Chapter 51 Flashbacks

Tina and Ray are sitting at the breakfast table on a Sunday morning, babies in their chairs. Ray drinks his coffee and reads the paper, while Tina tends to the babies, when Ray asks,,,, "What you want to do today?" "Shop for Christmas decorations...

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Tina's Story Chapter 50 Caught in the Act

As you may recall, we left Sean and Lydia making passionate,love, doggie style on the kitchen counter, when Colleen walks in. She says nothing, and they do not hear her. We join the sex act, now in progress. Lydia still wears her pink sleeveless...

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Tina's Story Chapter 49 a Trip to the Park

Dasher, a guest author's chapter by dasher cheetah at gray muzzles' request. characters are property of gray muzzle and should not be used without his permission.

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Tina's Story Chapter 48 Health Spa

Story by spikey pete ray and tina by gray muzzle this one is for you gray muzzle hope you enjoyed it.

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The inspiration for this story is a picture by Pan Hesekiel Shioroi 'Trust Me' subtitled 'never trust a fox'. I purchased the picture, as I found it fascinating. It can be found on my 'favorite art' page Life on the farm has always been hard; it...

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Tina's Story Chapter 47 Facing Reality

Ray woke up, sensing there was someone in the room. With sleepy eyes, he scanned the bedroom to realise that it was Tina re-entering the bedroom. She wore only tights, and a loose fitting tank top that exposed almost all of her modest breasts. Tina was...

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Tina's Story Chapter 46 The Lecture/Growing Up/Spay or Neuter

Tina is sleeping restlessly. She tosses and turns, looking for a comfortable position. She slides down and back, her little leopard sleep shirt riding up. Ray is spooning Tina. As she pushes back, she encounters Ray's erect member. Even as she sleeps,...

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Tina's Story Chapter 45 Here we go again.....

Ray was sound asleep, cozy in his beautiful new bed, when he was awaked to a strange noise.... UHHH! seventy seven UHHH! seventy eight UHHH! seventy nine..... It was Tina, on the floor, doing crunches. From the tights and windbreaker on the chair,...

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Tina's Story Chapter 44 Giving Thanks

'Morning, Papa..... Ray awakes to look up, seeing Georgette standing over him. Seems he got up last night, when the babies stirred, and, after tending to them, fell asleep on the living room floor, alongside the cribs. Georgette is smiling, as she...

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Tina's Story Chapter 43 A Whole New world

It has been a busy week in the Goldstein household. After the birth of their three babies, there was a lot to do. The next day, Tina got checked out by her OB/GYN. Tina checked out fine, but the OB had to admit,he missed a pup hiding in there...

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