Ragnarok - XXIV

He could have thought himself in outer space, but shane spared not a moment to think but to will himself faster, harder, further in the direction that the bittersweet clamped in his jaws pulled him: darkward, and down.

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Your Cage

Bird, my love that has lost the will to sing even if you cannot speak i will raise my voice, my love and sing a song so beautiful that you cannot ignore even if your words elude you, my love i will wait an eternity with bated breath, my love and bittersweet

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The Sorrows of Love

The end is now in sight, your honeyed words no longer hold sway for finally i am free from you this bittersweet day.

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bittersweet fingertips, grasping at my racing heart... his grip was tight, but oh so gentle as he carefully pulled it from my breast... and so it was; my beating heart took up the place where his shattered one had been...

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Despair, my Dear

Misery, mistress, bittersweet, you know me by first name. you taunt and gloat as my bleeding heart, it refuses to be tame. agony, sweet and pure, only as i break, my heart for you, so destitute, and distraught in your wake.

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Panther longing

It was always a bittersweet feeling because he was glad he awoke, but he wouldn't want to wake up and leave his exciting and beautiful dream world where his enchanting kitty was.

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bittersweet feeling. dead. they. "the immortals". with hardly enough left for funeral, far too little for rebuilding their bodies, for recovering their brains, dead permanently. did i hate them? no, not really. they didn't know.

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 13: Fading False Dawn

A small grin graced his muzzle, and he closed his eyes, bittersweet and longing. under the moon, under her watchful eye, the dragon let himself slip away, the stress catching up with him.

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Holiday Dinner [Sketch]

_conscious awareness felt like it was a hundred miles away, far beyond the reaches of the much more important focus here in front of him, squishing and mashing against his nose, his lips, his tongue, dumping out little flecks of bittersweet sourness and quick

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Clarity - Chapter 4: Bittersweet Days

The first thing that I notice after waking up on Clover's couch is the dull pain throughout my body. The second is the sudden feeling that I'd really like to slap myself for keeping my phone's morning alarm on after a night like that. Still, I'm up,...

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Bittersweet, My Heart: Chapter 1

#1 of bittersweet, my heart bittersweet, my heart chapter 1 the train continued its way along the never ending track, seeming to go nowhere but everywhere at once.

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MoN - Ch. 8: A Bittersweet Affair

#8 of middle of nowhere **chapter 8: bittersweet affair** **warning: this chapter contains explicit descriptions of consensual sexual acts between two pokemon.

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