Commission: Fenzil's Transformation part 1

Come, tonight your journey shall end: be no longer a tribeless castaway, but become initiated into ours!" the chieftain smiled warmly and patted back of fenzil's hand.

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Saving the Sha'khari 5 - Sarahi's Heartbreak

She's your fellow castaway. don't lose sight of her." "fuck off," they both told her in unison, having already returned to giving each other hard looks.

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Alcatraz Ch. XVI-Crucible

To have a life so castaway and forgotten and cut short in the midst of this world's turmoil." some semblance of what she was talking about came to me, but i had yet to decipher the rest of her oddities. "i feel a certain way about you, tai.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 55

"a ghost" athron advanced forward, her steps firm, a derail that couldn't be said about the magic radiating from her eyes, magic that kept fluctuating like the determination of a castaway who clings to life at the open sea.

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Halo Revolutions: Sangheili Initiation

Are you a castaway, an exile?" the sangheili growled, soon walking up to the other sangheili._ _"neither, i was once not of sangheili... but a human, a creature smaller than all sangheili. yet now, i have been changed."

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A Life For A Life: Part One

Sometimes, he didn't know if he was relieved or not that he'd been stuck on the 'fur force', or anthro response team, with the rest of the wash outs and castaways.

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Midline Shift 42 - A Quarian Princess

Once she had been treated like a vagrant, a castaway, living trash to be shooed away from certain places for disturbing their clientele's sensitive airs.

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First Time: Hazard Pay

Instead of the tall, muscular horse auren had first seen, the equine was now shorter by over a foot, and as lanky and thin as a deserted castaway, his musculature a mere shadow of what it once was.

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Chapter 3: Romance By The River

They dove to the bottom, pretended they were jungle castaways, and talked about their personal lives, like school and work.

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The Lure

Mel had been wary but also amused by this oblivious castaway, every eye in the place probably on him. if he had noticed all the stares he didn't seem to mind. she had assumed he was used to it in that black contoured thing.

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Companions Chapter 25: Showdown

Shall we rejoin gilligan and the other castaways?" azgard dropped down to allow fred onto his back, then quickly caught up with the others.

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Mako (Illustrated)

Grin, before the kitten's orgasmic clenching provided her with the deep penetrations she needed to cum around that barbed toy, joining her girlfriend in ecstasy as she shuddered violently, both girls riding out their orgasms as they held each other like castaways

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