Short intro

I found it at a flea market for five bucks and couldn't help but think how lucky i was at the time to have found a grimoire even if it did turn out to be just another fake. the thing is .....well it wasn't a fake at all.

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Chapter 2: Confused Feelings.

I'm not a mangy flea bag, he thought surprised that inuyasha's words had hurt him. why should i care what he thinks, stupid hanyou.

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I think i have fleas." "we apply a gel medication to our napes ... every month," aria said. "have you had yours?" a shake of the head. "then it is safe to say that you have fleas.

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A negative feeling

Keep them bundled up the feelings go like mental rush i threw them all out in the trash it is one thing, gives me a rash just see who i am dont be afraid i try my hardest to be tame the darkness feeds on negative the light must flea

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From the streets.

"whoa.....flea bag huh?" he looked to his brother who grumbled. "oh shut up eric..."

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The Human War- Chapter Eleven

fleas?" leggo asked as he stepped away from him. "no, just an annoying itch... but if i did get fleas then it's probably from you." merrik retorted. leggo rolled his eyes as they waited to be picked up.

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Blade's Adventures - 04 - The ceremony

They were labeled as weird people by most of the dogs of the city, and kept afar both due their appearance, their habits, and a good deal of excess of fleas.

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Dodger- im fine ~dodger scratches himself behind the ear~ dodger- do you have anything for fleas? soul- whats "fleas"?

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Zootopia: Dirty Hairy part 13 last part

"those fleas can be really nasty nick! i wouldn't go near him without some advantage and a flea collar if i were you!" fritz yelped. judy snickered at him. "fritz? has anyone told you that you are a super tremendous tail hole wipe?"

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Bolt Out of the Blue 3

I can run a flea market stall by myself." professor kookynut picked himself up and brushed himself off. "or... at the very least hit the self-destruct button on these and report their loss as a tax right-off.

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Woman you do not know yet she is familiar something awful is taking place the shadow moves the knife arcs abruptly, the shrieking halts giving way to the fateful gasps of last breath there is blood rivers of it, it seems you want to help to flea

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Red Moon: Wolves of Stalingrad Pt. 2

He sat up, still on the couch, the bed in the other room was flea ridden and had rats nesting in it. he didn't fancy getting even more of the fleas on his body than he already had. hygiene tended to take a nose dive during war.

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