History (1)
At first it was contained to the blast radious of dust from the meteor but as people infected traveled, so did the virus.
Der Einschlag Kapitel 1
Dann schlug der meteor auf, und ich erwartete den unvermeidlich lauten knall. ich horchte angestrengt in die nacht und in richtung des einschlags, aber da war nix zu hã¶ren.
After Armageddon Chapter 1
One week since the meteor hit the planet and doomed all life on earth to death. one week since armageddon. the day had passed and the damage was done and over with, yet i could still see the faces of those who were lucky to die when the meteor struck.
Alphabet Challenge 2018 - M is for Multiplication
The meteor flashed brightly, blinding her and drawing a shrill cry of shock from the dragoness.
Becoming We Part 1
One thing movies and shows fail to tell you about meteors is that they are far more destructive than their size implies.
Arousing Research
Against that same glass, once seemingly impenetrable, the ooze leapt from the surface of the cracked meteor and crashed against the reinforced container.
Loonatics Uncut: Series Notes
The intro basically ran as above - zadavia, a mysterious woman, recruited the loonatics after acmetropolis was struck by a meteor that created heroes and villains alike.
The Stripe: Issue #1
"meteor?" jojo asked. "yeah... some kind of funky alien meteor... wow... off the charts... it must have infused... with the reaction..." the squirrel kept muttering to himself.
The Stripe #1 (by Danath)
"meteor?" jojo asked. "yeah... some kind of funky alien meteor... wow... off the charts... it must have infused... with the reaction..." the squirrel kept muttering to himself.
Presenting Polymer - The Strechable Skunk
Hidden under a bed was a strange looking meteor; and slowly, that meteor was beginning to ooze a rather disgusting looking green slime.
Lonely Oak Chapter 33 - Meet Eeyore Shower
"a meteor shower," her brother replied, watching his sister. "meet eeyore shower? we're going to meet eeyore?" she glanced down at her brother excitedly. "oh, no no," he said with a smile, "meteor; it's one word. this is a shower of meteors." "oh..."
Darkness Hidden in Beauty
Plus i think missing a meteor or two is going to be worth avoiding the wet butt we'd get otherwise as i remembered to bring along a tarp."