in a Pack part 8

Soto then looked down,an started to snare in rage. he had been tied up in vines,all around his paws and neck. holding him in place,as he then saw. he was tied up to a tree,by the vines as well.

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This hell known as Earth!

I better check my snares. jumping down from the tree he walks to the first snare \*sigh\* the first snare is empty lets pray for the second one! reaching the second one he is rewarded with a tired and frightened rabbit.

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Hyena Problem

I then saw who it was shenzi,ed and banzai, as me nala and zira then snared at the hyenas. " you three." i snared deeply,looking at them. " hu. " banzai said looking up at me,as nala had pined shenzi ,and zira pined ed.

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An 'Evolved-One's' Tale

Natalia clawed at the snare, her blunt claws scratching at her throat as the snare pulled even tighter, her lungs burning and consciousness rapidly diminishing.

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Hunting for Blaze Orange | Entree Sized Comm

The snare's tension was tight enough that he could not speak, the pressure on his throat causing the humbled canine to wheeze through his gaped-open mouth. "the last one i caught in a snare didn't have nearly as strong of a neck."

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I Don't Cheat,your just a sore loser

Nala snared evilly ,as she open her mouth wide. " nala no ,don't do this noooooooooooo." simba screamed in fear,seeing nala mouth coming down to his head.

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Simba lerns a pain full leason ( vore)

Simba snared at sin,making nala glare at him " she not your she ,has her own chose to be with. " sin said to simba annoyed. simba roared as he tacked sin to the ground ,swiping him with his claws.

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Ho-oh Chosen one part 2 Redone

Raikou said in dominating tone,as she snared into his ears. after this she slammed the dido,harder then before into his ass. stretching him more ,while sending him more high volts causing him to yelp.

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Boarish Taste

There was a snare! she used her nocturnally adept fox eyes to spot it, and it was actually not a snare, but close. a single black strand of very long hair pulled taught across the way, low enough to meet her throat in fox form.

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The Easy Way

If elvana could snare such a prize she would not only have a powerful ally at her beck and call but one who could go with her anywhere as her personal bodyguard.

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What is Black and White and Red All Over

I waited until the first two had crossed the stream before snaring the second fox, knocking him unconscious with a large stone.

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Cold Hope

Braving the storm would be worth it when she returned from her snares with fresh meat. rhi stopped when she saw the blood. blotches of crimson ice marred the white ground, near the frayed rope of a shredded snare protruding from the snow.

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