A Student Movie - part 1
Of mr.hashwall, the students were calm.
Joey's Student Body Initiation
students, students of all different kinds of species, even ones he'd never seen before filled the vast majority of them... and all nude, tending to their various tasks and conversations. "hey everyone!"
Student body chapter 3
#2 of student body after his experience, alex is left concerned as to the reaction of his father. can he keep a secret? will he just choose to forget what he did today? and what will his neighbours think?
Student body chapter 4
#3 of student body alex tristan and toni have a venture through the mall. can the boys handle being the centre of attention dressed as cute girls? alex was hesitant now. toni had coerced him into wearing a girlish outfit for the whole day in the mall.
Student Affairs Of the Hopelessly Elite
#1 of student affairs a story about highschool, fools, tricksters, and a single queen who runs it all. **student affairs of the hopelessly elite** **by: beaverreturn** **[1/4]** **part 1** leonard sat on a set of crowded bleachers.
Student's Pet - Owning the Teacher
As soon as he was exposed for the student below him, he returned to his previous position in his chair.
Pre-Summer Fun - Part 1
The students who reside here have left to who knows where and do who knows what. i hear a rustle from behind and quickly look back, only to see pieces of paper flying being pushed by a draft.
._ his slacks were almost skin tight and she could just make out certain portions of the body that students shouldn't know about their teachers. "yes brooklyn? did you have a question?" brook almost came, his voice was so deep and sounded like purring.
Ok, maybe that was an exageration, but the lion student had all confidence that they would all be very impressed. the time to perform it was drawing close now.
To be an Assassin 2
He then looked to his ex-student. "she probably won't pass. but if you have that kind of faith in her, then i will." alt relaxed visibly. sanlis gave him a fond slap on his shoulder. "you don't have to tell anyone else if you don't want to.
Draven's Story: Memory 3
Instead of discussions on the topic of gender roles in early alden literature or listening to a teacher drone on about some mathematical principle for an hour, students were generally left to their own devices.
Secret's Story: Memory 2
Tracy folded his hands together and tried to look his student in the eye to no avail. "i don't want to come off as rude, but i'm not in the same position as you.