Phoenix Coven - Chapter 2
He wanted to start anew and begin his servitude with master egad on a clean slate. he desperately pined to please his master but let his head rest back on the pillow.
The Transformation Chapter 3
. \*\*\*\*\* as i continued to drive away from my old los angeles life, to start anew, i looked over at elliott. he was looking out the window at the big buildings, and useless road signs.
Lumina Mouse chapter one
Lumina decided to start anew in furtherin. she always felt guilty for having meaningless sex and that is why she is going to see a therapist in furtherin, starting on monday.
Rolands Theory ( beta )
I just wish some day, our worlds would collide and the big bang starts anew. but there is no time for me sitting around here, so i made my way to my work place.
Kayla: Trouble Sleeping
A penitatas; a criminal that is sent back to childhood to live a highly strict and disciplined life to start anew.
The Abandoned (#1 The News)
I just wait sweet death to embrace me and this cursed world, all of it, and hopefully start anew, with another chance without us in it._ * * * i opened my eyes slowly, wondering what time it was.
Open Content Stream Story: The Pillar of (sexual) Power
He wasn't allowed to focus on it long before the shocks started anew. he screamed as his oversensitive cock was suddenly attacked by the zapping force again, squirming but to no avail.
A popular vote was put before the people, with an almost unanimous vote by all citizens that the gems should leave to start anew.
Summer Rains
* * * morning came to noon, and though the rain let up briefly, it started anew with no mercy. so much for an adventure, thought noah as the three battled it out with pictionary.
Color Wheel Chapter 1
All of the residents that live at this home have come here to leave a previous life and start anew. we thought it would be a good idea not to use our real names because they will remind us of the past.
Split Time:Chapter 1 The Meeting
He begged, "you can live with my family and start anew!" i looked at him with shock. i was tempted to go with him, but i knew deep down there were a few things i needed to do in this world. i turned back to him and gave him a hug.
The Remaining Ninja, Excluding one
It gave me a chance to forget my past, my hatred for those involved, a chance to start anew. i pray to the gods i never have to lift my tanto in order to kill ever again...