The Center a new day
Only trey the mangler dorset had went more than two minutes, and he died of a brain hemorrhage right there in the ring. from the brutal pummeling the bear had laid on him, even with the soft padding in the gloves these days.
The Pacification Center... chap 4
The cheetah arched weakly, thrashing for a moment as something happened inside his brain. "i'm cole. i used to be a cop, but now, i'm a cocksucker. i love cock."
The Bullgirl smiled as she sat down at the table with her boyfriend, Jel. They'd decided to finally meet up, after dating online for a quite a few months. They caught up quickly, and were in the motions of being a comfortable duo within moments of...
(Fanfic) This Is Lammy's Brain on Parappa and Ma-San
Cover art by doncorneo [](
The Brain Behind The Mask (Courage The Cowardly Dog fanfic)
Courage enters kitty's brain in order to see what is wrong with it. surely enough, hilarity ensues. the brain behind the mask written by xandermartin98 it was a very (seemingly) peaceful evening in (the middle of) nowhere(, kansas).
Satina Gets Under Dave's Skin
Now i've got your ear and brain germs all over myself!"
Moo Gooin' Boogie | Entree Sized Commission
Can he hold on to what little brain remains? or will the conniving moose rancher who ordered the chemicals coax beaux into a simpler life of docile bovine servitude... forever?
Katz the Cowardly Cat
Meanwhile, inside katz's brain...
A True Friend
--- Lyle set down the crate of groceries on the counter. There was an eerie silence in his apartment. He usually left the television or the computer in his living room on but not even the chirr of the air conditioning was heard. It was daylight so all...
[SNEAK PEEK] On-Again, Off-Again
Jade stays boner-brained until well after we're back on track. her arousal goes down on its own, and i can see her brain gradually reactivating. but i know that's not gonna last.
The Pacification Center... chap 3
A new openness about expressing his feelings to his mares and offspring having been programmed into his brain by the s.a.p therapy.
Pacifcation Center... chap 2
With all your fame Chap 2 As the sounds of sex and pleasure rose in the officer's waiting room, the Horse out front was getting impatient. The Bull was now over an hour late, which truly annoyed him to no end. He might have to stay late to finish the...