Road Rovers: Where are they now?

Exile: nice job comrade. hunter: thanks buddy. exile: so we can stop here if you want i'm pretty sure i am too big for you. hunter: no it's fine i can take it.

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Dream, Demon Soldiers

"comrade run!" a voice shouted. exile ran up behind hunter with a mp5 and pulled him along, firing along the way. "exile! what is going on?!" hunter demanded, avoiding the oncoming bullets. "alma is here!

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Jewel of the Spring #2

Your training will involve learning everything from your comrades and they you. basically, it's the way i do things is everyone learns and masters their comrade's specialties.

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A Night behind the trenches

"please forgive me comrade. if we would just throw away our silly weapons and uniforms we could have been friends for all i care. the war has made us blind, blind for one another..."

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Unimportant Verse 5

#5 of unimportant verse about important people "comrade" would i call you, and "brave," and "fierce" and "true". "lovely" have i called you, and hope but to live up to the example which you set for me. so, comrade, onward, ever onward.


Joe and Hitomi's beautiful day

His comrades were a little in thought right now. "strange that he meets his girlfriend out in the mountains, instead of taking her here." guilder said with his opinion to his comrades.

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Red Commissar

"i don't plan on dat comrade, i plan you to make commend you for antics i have witnessed." the figure spoke well, her english was rough, bounded by the thick russian accent.

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Examination, Nightmare

"comrade? can i come in?" exile asked. hunter was still in his boxers, but he knew he could trust exile. exile came in wearing sweat shorts, and a white t-shirt. "hey comrade, i just stopped by to see of you want to go work out...."

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A Tale of Ashen Wings - Chapter 2: Untimely Deaths

The shot struck the first ordinator in the shoulder and sent him sprawling to the ground for a moment, while his comrade charged forward with shield raised. the other two nordic companions joined their comrade and stopped the ordinator from reaching her.

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A Virishian Day

It may be based upon real event occurred to one or more comrades of the committees.

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Downfall: Prologue and Chapter 1

"yes, you have been avenged my comrades...." petrov said, leaving behind the fallen soldiers. petrov began to move forward as a rocket from a german panzershrek blew up the katyusha. "damnit!"

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