Freshmen Year: All Good Things

"debrief." i turned into my back and began, "not much really. football season is over with, and now all that's needed to be done is keep my grades up." ace continued to take in the illegal substance. "i said debrief...

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Squad Training

No, i think more can wait until our 'debriefing'. but for now...." he glanced down, eyeing the bulge in meron's loose pants. "my, my. i think you need a little less tension."

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Time of War Chapter 8: The Final Chapter.... Preview

I can see there is something you didn't include in the debriefing when you got back to base." "my team: tech, jayden and myself had infiltrated the terrorist compound and located the enemy computer terminal bay.

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Pink and Ruger: Introducing the Outlook Rangers

After an 'incident' was officially resolved, it was typical department policy to require return of the rangers involved for discussion and debriefing. that was my job.

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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 8: Triumphant Returns

And at their debriefing, the young team learns a very important secret. "fern. we have discovered a coded message from your mother. she wrote this book," zoë, fras' mother and volcarona's most trusted attendant, was speaking.

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Chapter 2 Rebecca White Tail

Buck had however lowered his guard enough with manipulative young pup for her to be able to swipe his mobile during one of their debriefing sessions.

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Demon War Chapter 2

Now, report to the briefing room in the next hallway for a debriefing tobias." the voice said as a door opened nearby to him, "there are some creatures that would like to meet you." tobias wanted to ask about himself, but decided against it.

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Nicole's First Love

She said, "you missed the debriefing." when he failed to respond, the digital lynx moved closer, asking again, "tails, what's wrong? are you damaged?" again, the fox paid her inquiry no mind.

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The Roommate

. --- the rest of the night was spent getting daniel to the hospital for a checkup, then a debriefing where he learned that he'd been part of a control group.

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The Devil's Toys

He just remained silent the rest of the debriefing, only speaking when he needed to. he described horrific scenes to the room of the terrifying new threats we now faced. when the debriefing was over, we were all dismissed.

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Beast Wars Ravages of Love (original story)

He snarled a little as ravage got done debriefing optimus of his mission and the maximals' part in it, the same old story of capturing criminals and bringing them to justice.

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Raven Squad Nine {The Beginning}

According to the debrief i received before being assigned to rsn their last mission had seen them shamed by a failure to complete their mission that also lead to the death of their recon while they where retreating to their ride out.