A Hard Cock Life
Dom's heads watched the fusion happen. they could smell the dragon's musk, a scent that smelled like the salty ocean, and it was a scent that grew stronger as his body fused with the cock.
Tyrant's Fury
"we were wondering if you could teach us the fusion technique?" skorp gave a chuckle putting his cup down. "fusion huh? the technique where two beings merge to become one. why do wish to learn this?"
Digimon: Fusion ch.5.
#2 of digimon fusion sry for the long waiting but i was quite busy with... err... different stuff xd i don't mind if you cry aloud... ryan slowly opened his eyes. he felt numb and his vision was blurry.
Lykan Invasion 4: Fusion
#4 of lykan invasion **lykan invasion 4: fusion** **location: camp gray wolf infection level: 1%** camp sucks.
Infestation Unknown: Misfired Fusion
#7 of the infestation infestation unknown: misfired fusion by von krieger tara huffed and puffed, her sneakered paws making crunching sounds against the gravel of the park path as she went for her morning jog.
Digimon: Fusion ch.4.
#3 of digimon fusion a fight! how exiting ^^ one winged "don't you dare to hurt him!" cath placed herself between her tamer and the hostile digimon. icedevimon began to smile, as he began to inspect his opponent.
Digimon: Fusion ch.2.
#4 of digimon fusion omg the second chapter o_o wohoo anime convention, but it didn't run as i planned. xd disclaimer: i do not and will never own digimon or renamon -.- sadly... chapter 2.
Digimon: Fusion ch.1.
#1 of digimon fusion my first try to make a fanfic :) i you find some spelling mistakes, you can have them for free xd disclaimer: i do not and will never own digimon or renamon -.- sadly... chapter 1 how long do i have to shout?
Digimon: Fusion ch.3.
#5 of digimon fusion okay... long time no upload -.- but i hope it's worth the waiting, if not... well then it's not my problem anyway xd don't look down now the next week was the last week before the vacations.
Chronicals of Fusion Chapter five
**the chronicles of fusion** **chapter 5** ** ** ** ** sorry it took so long for me to finish this but simply put my word blew and i had to get another one anyway i tried double spacing it in the word but it kept coming up as single if anybody
The Chronicles of Fusion chapter 4
The chronicles of fusion chapter 4 sorry folks there will be no yiffing in this chapter because it would've been too long but the next chapter has been set completely for a very fiesty yiff so just enjoy till then.
The Chronicles of Fusion chapter 3
Ok for those who stayed with me on up till now there is yiff. That means all you cubs that have one and two you got stop now unless you're the proper age in your country. Legal stuff yeah the characters belong to me but just ask and I'll let you used...