The Breegull Boat Part 1: Slimy, sticky, shiny.

People who, like het shoes, started to stick more and more, until they were fused to the horrible oil slicks. truth be told, she'd happily fly the distance. if she wasn't so darn oily in the first place.

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3:6 Daughter Of The Earth And Sky

Prime example-" "xen hets." he nodded slowly, eyes focused on the table in front of him. "not my proudest moments, but sometimes you've got to play the game." the black fox grew quiet after this.

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Atasia's lessons

With luna explaining to her daughter about het first heat and what it was like, also about mating and the possibility's of other pack members might try and rape her, that she was to come directly to luna if that were to happen.

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Tina's Story Chapter 8 the Night Visitor

She took kc in her arms, holding het tight, finally falling asleep when kc stopped shaking...... to be continued....

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The Journey Begins

"ummm, well kate gives good massages with her tongue, not to mention het tongue is more soft than yours. when you do that, you're a little rough and bruise me, not to mention your breath is always rancid". "is that all?

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The Reality of Art

The two chatted almost nervously as star set het empty plate down. "so, you've never seen that ulitmate showdown?" she asked him and eli shook his head. star jumped up heading to the computer in her office, "c'mon i'll show you really quick!"

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Stud-Sitting Part 6

She felt het claws leave scratches, not deep enough to really show through his fur, but the sting would cause the most notice. letting the horse's crotch go, she snarled and said, "you fucking asshole!

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2:22 Loose Ends

Those were the last words xen hets, former ceo of the lazarus institute, said before he pulled the trigger.

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Manda Redt de Wereld

Somewhere in these fictions emerged the idea that the kipetorg wears a fisherman's raincoat and tall black waders (in fact the kipetorg is always depicted as nude); that he repeatedly uses the saying: "zelfs als het zonnig is, weet de wijze man waar zijn regenjas

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See, sex ain't something to get all het up about, it's somethin' to enjoy. so y'all didn't get me to cum; so what? d'y'all see me gettin' all wrinkly 'bout it?" "no. but ---" "now, what did ah just say 'bout buts?" he couldn't help it.

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A Dragons fear A Riders Invitation.

In case you havn't noticed het, yes nevre is going to be the comic relief as i feel it fits for his personality.

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See, sex ain't something to get all het up about, it's somethin' to enjoy. so y'all didn't get me to cum; so what? d'y'all see me gettin' all wrinkly 'bout it?" "no. but ---" "now, what did ah just say 'bout buts?" he couldn't help it.

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