Northridge: A new Begining
My homosexuality was killing me. i built friends without telling them about it, and due to what happened at university, i didn't want anyone to know.
Prologue- A less then holy night
Shouted duncan, baring his teeth one knight without his blade out, a doberman, started speaking "count duncan alfrin of narbonne and tilen orefair, you are accused of committing the worst possible sin of the flesh, homosexuality, it seems the report was right
From the Journal of Dr. Artemis
The results are not perhaps as surprising upon further examination, but are still quite remarkable when measured against the development of practices in human male homosexuality.
Stories From Elton High | Chapter 14
It argued that had homosexuality not been a problem, turing might have taken the field of cryptography and computer engineering to a much higher level than he had already done.
Embrace of the Serpent Men
And you homosexuality would be embraced among our people. however, you would be converted through my special method. sseth gave me the power to convert mammals by myself by a means that well suited me.
Keep Away
As a teenager he'd quite naturally rebelled, decrying his fathers views and trying to somehow make homosexuality okay in his brain. it never worked.
Legend High-Chapter 4
Geafold for this one," homosexuality is wrong and should be banned and those who are should kill themselves." that had got under mr. geafold's scales as he heard what jake's brother thinks about homosexuality.
My Journey Through High School: Chapter 21: 21 Candles
While they agree that crime needs to be dealt with severely for the town, they stand by the opinions of homosexuals as before and remain adamant at their refusal for homosexual rights, especially for issues such as gay marriage.
They knew a lot, and they cared enough to take steps to make sure that no one of my kind, that is, homosexuals, would ever have the comfort of someone of like mind to talk to, or fuck.
Help for Mankind - Chapter 1 - Open For Business
This is a good thing except for the local fanatical priest spouting nonsense about how jesus hated homosexuals. i'm a god-fearing man but i know that jesus never once spoke that he had a hatred of any race, creed, or dissention.
Owning My Humanity -- Anger
Before i even knew what homosexuality was, a middle-schooler on my bus in third grade was firing staples at me, and calling me a faggot. i didn't even do anything to that person, but try to keep to myself.
"I forsook myself, Paulie"
I forsook the drugs, i forsook my atheism, i forsook brittain, i forsook my homosexuality. i forsook myself, paulie, but i didn't knew it, i didn't knew it when it was too late.