Together, Soaring - by Jeeves

Soon the pine forests below gave way to rocky, uneven karst terrain; limestone pock-marked with caverns and divets from eons of rainfall.

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Chapter 3: The Way Of The Warrior, Part 1: Preperations

Turning away, i storm off farther down to the right of the mountain, moving fast to blow off some steam with a faint trail of limestone dust billowing in my wake.

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How I Found it All: Part I

I began to feel my way out of that pitch black limestone wonder. what i heard from a bit of rumors was that this specific cave was infested with ogres.

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Wolf Creek Revelations

Grey slabs of inscribed limestone sprung up from the earth, in some cases tilted at dangerous angles thanks to disruptive tree roots. they had brought no tools, but morphed their hands into wicked instruments of death.

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Together, Soaring

Soon the pine forests below gave way to rocky, uneven karst terrain; limestone pock-marked with caverns and divets from eons of rainfall.

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Chapter 13: New Normal

The duchess decided to visit the damp limestone prison herself rather than having the accused delivered to her office.

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 13

When i picked at the limestone walls of the maw, i was actually asking, _how do i make them let me in?_ when i was breaking down limestone in the rock pile, i was actually asking, _how do i make them let me in?

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Crisis of Power, Chapter 6

"that area of lospar is a bed of limestone in an industrial area. the acids created by the smog and rain eat away at the limestone, in addition to the groundwater.

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Paw... Enter the Claw... Fan Fic

Two foot thick limestone blocks... bronze doors and windows cast iron piping. the city had tried to rip it down, but the preservation folks had named it a landmark.

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Zion - Light of the New Moon: City of Bannihar

The majority of structures in bannihar are built with a very light gray stone similar in appearance to limestone, but closer in strength to granite.

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Selective Sight 1

For millennia the damp limestone had not known the touch of light nor the footsteps of the living. buried deep below the surface, the cave had remained undisturbed. until now.

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Chapter 1

She flicked her tail and, when he let go, dove back to the smooth limestone bottom of the pool. he followed her watching her white coat just in front of his muzzle. he did what felt right for once and nipped her hip gently.

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