
He could not offer this explanation because of fear that he would be ridiculed and professionally discredited, even though his explanation was supported by the mythologies of many cultures around the world and throughout time. dr.


The Dream

A dragon was a mythological creature that was used to explain dinosaur bones. if dragons truly did look like this then there was no way for us to miss them. "this is a dragon, but not the one you're looking for.

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Dog Cabin

I've sorta always had a thing for mythology, and i dreamed of hosting a show about mythology, but it was hard to find work for that. i even had to do pin-ups to help bring money in."

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09 - All the Saints

But over the years, i have also enjoyed the study of mythology - from ancient myths like greek and egyptian, to the mythologies that surround modern day practices (think of the movie constantine, which is centered around modern mythology that has grown out

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Memories of an Unnatural Dream

I live in a city called fäblis erim, populated full of my kin, as well as minotaurs, gryphons, merfolk and other creatures of equal mythological status.

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Dragon Hunter

As well as anthro mythology, no one in either species or any parts of the world had any way of combating the perfect predators.

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Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse. The Setting: Ratherbigshire, UK

A few mythological furs can be found along with several pockets of humans. bigotry and racism are usually not tolerated in most civil gatherings, but there are areas where hate crimes are not unknown.

Camilla - the Conquerer, Chapter 14

"but if you are also seth, then you are living up to your mythological role," stephen probed. "it is the role that has been assigned to me, and it is not correct in that way.

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Helos's Gift

It is basically just a short story that took me about six hours to finish and takes its roots in some style of mythology (i went with mythology similar to that of native american tribes).

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Aetolian Boar – A Naughty Plan

#27 of the bestiary the creature is from classical greek mythology as a means of inflicting divine justice.

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Sabrina Yarn - Character Biography

Her summons includes birds, snakes, moles, cows, elephants and mythological creatures such as the phoenixes and gryphons however her main talent is being able to defeat ghosts and other remnants of the soul better than anyone else.


LLST #9 ~ Fragrance

History, mythology, culture, magical academia and the like; all worth their volume in gold, and on the lucky days, costing only a little silver.

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