The Fires of War Chapter one

However in the year 2054 a government body known as the conglomerate of regulated extended nations ( ya the name is kind of lame but it sounds cool.) otherwise known as core nations are some of the most advanced nations among this world, took a large strip

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Military Doctrines and Attributes, and the Road to War

There is an underground and organized movement within kantaria to start a nation-wide revolt against their occupiers.

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Weapon – Transparent

Your nation's embassies will be kindly asked to leave, you can happily keep sending money to invest in our nation, never let it be said i wouldn't let people send the us money, but know that the wholesale theft of jobs, intellectual property and profits from


Profile of Drake Hellblazer Harkonen

In the case of the political assassinations within other nations, he had the assassins make it look like another nation did it and did the same to that other nation, thereby causing both nations to go to war against each other while the nation of reagen partook

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People And Their Opiates (World Building)

Perhaps it is not a pleasant conversation, but when viewed objectively, such subjects can inform us not only of the way a nation has been born, but if extrapolated, we can see the way a nation will continue to grow.

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Genesis Part One, Skupples

It was at the end of this age that the world started to change, and change faster and faster as things built up between nations and the division of wealth and education.

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Aftermath - Opportunity

I'm the president of the national athletic federation. we had scouts at nationals and i would like to talk to you about one of your team members." "really! who?"

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The Journey - Introduction

They have a single empire, built up in the far cluster, beyond the normal sight of most other nations.

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Bio-Morph FAQ 1

Japan was one of the first nations to support and actively participate, but later switched to joining the rest of the world in banning it on the national level after the prime minister's son's life was saved by one.

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Standing Divided: Prologue

But out of all the three nations, the united systems was significantly less successful in preventing the corruption of their culture though they were nobler with their actions than the other two nations.

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:1

"_ _"this new land was to be its own nation, not owned by any one country according to king richard.

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