Cell Inspection
Fox opened his mouth to retaliate but wolf deactivated the cell doors, much to his surprise. it was then fox noticed wolf wasn't wearing his usual attire, but had on a black shirt with dark brown pants and nothing on his bare-paws.
August 8: Ghost Pictures - After
The tanuki teased us about it, to which tora retaliated by pulling on his ear. back with the drinks, shun-kun called out for the tiger to stop. kounosuke grabbed the tiger's arm. "oww! sorry! c'mon, let me go!" "hiroyuki, should i?"
Canvas and Melody - Prologue
Some jock smashed it because he wouldn't play the song he wanted, but it was soon fixed, and the skunk retaliated by popping the jock's football right in front of him.
Unstable Serenity - Chapter 6, Enslaved
When you try to retaliate or show disrespect to our kind!" zarith shouted. "william, hit 'em as many times as you'd like! you deserve it!"
Prison Break (A2,B2,C9)
"i promise we'll retaliate soon." "you bet your ass i'll retaliate soon. why are your pals drinking anyway?" "they're celebrating. they managed to get themselves in the news using their abilities.
What If?: Wrong Choice
About to retaliate, she saw that he had, once again, teleported. however, she was prepared this time and spun around, succeeding in striking him in the face. hard.
A tail of magic and mystery chapter thirteen
Button, if you attack her to gather data, she will retaliate hard, using the full power of the t-3 line she is connected to.
Gagging My Plans
Gag couldn't keep up properly as they watched the corgi zip and zoom around them, dodging every retaliation blast they made.
Chapter 3: The Undelivered Message
The dragon dodged it and retaliated by using a new power he actually felt proud of. he then concentrated, and before long, the dragon was being pushed to the ground.
The Dirty Night
There was a awkward silence for a couple of seconds, but that soon faded as the orc retaliated, ''stay down, don't make this difficult. we wouldn't want people knowing what's happening inside this tent.''
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 12
That was the reason why he could retaliate against azazel's barrage of fire attacks despite of having much of his power sealed.
Outcast - Chapter 20
This was why i told te'ki that i couldn't go to grandfather with what i'd deduced: pride and retaliation.