Story Give-Away 1: The Hypno-Cake - By Draconicon
The firelight dancing along the spirals really made for some interesting visual effects, the shadows of the flickering lights really making it look like the spirals were spinning.
What's In There?
The first had an arrow that pointed to a neighboring spiral. it continued on like that, each arrow pointing to the next spiral. it only took the first hour to get all the way around back to the first spiral he looked at, but allen didn't notice.
Milking a Guest
However, the overall effect left the room less shimmery and chrome-colored and more...spirally.
Gaia's Fallen Children
"you pledge to breed, to fill any black spiral female with your seed so they may fill this world with as many black spiral dancers as they can?"
Gaia's Fallen Children
"you pledge to breed, to fill any black spiral female with your seed so they may fill this world with as many black spiral dancers as they can?"
Earth's New Masters Part 7 Downward Spiral
Earth's new masters part 7 downward spiral i knew deep in my heart that it was my fault that my master was jealous. david adored his master; he gave himself eagerly and held nothing back.
[Patreon] The Hip Hyp Hookup
spiral was hypnofetishists getting in on the game at last. her copy of spiral had detected a programmed subject nearby who was interested in playing. ash took another sip of her latte as she opened the app.
One Night on the Internet
Ones that wiggled and pulsed, changing from spirals to rings and back to spirals again.
Rammed by the Ram's Ram
He shivered, lifting his ass up a bit higher, pressing his head closer to the ground as he stared straight ahead at the spiral.
The Tale of Cain and Titus, Pt. 4
Since cain's head was above titus, cain watched the man's spiraling eyes looking up and take in more spirals, as the coil around his neck kept the man standing on his tip toes. "underssssstand man cub?"
Trial Run [Patron Reward]
"just focus on the centre of the spiral for a moment, firm up your gaze..." the centre was so tiny, that nikki went a little cross-eyed trying to follow it. "okay, and relax your eyes, just take in the spiral as a whole." she did so.
The Am-Drag Stream 2
The tentacle attack hit him, then wrapped around his character's waist - then a spiral began.