Bailmont Teaser/Short

The Warrior Clan Dragon Bailmont Teaser II/Short Cast Bailmont: Chris. Kera: Me. Red: Chris. Kera smiled at her patient, who was quite round with her pup, and her patient's mate. "And remember, once labor starts, don't worry at...

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Skunk on a Short Leash

_[Toonces, the Driving Cat, the Cat Who Could Drive a Car]( If you enjoy the story, please leave a comment!_ --- Arty was already pretty thoroughly smashed, mashing his nose into his bear...

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2 short paragraphs

* * * once upon a time there was a boy who enjoyed exploring. one day he want out exploring in the woods and happened upon a horrifying scene. there was blood everywhere, limbs and guts spread across the ground. he turned to run away only to be...

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A Short Lived Coterie

The foreign man in the front seat muttered under his breath, "Damn, why do I always get the freaks on the early shift? Should probably report this... ah fuck it, I don't care." He was referring to the two furs in his back seat. The first was a tall...

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Breaktime Shorts 12

Author: Tobias Foxx Title: Breaktime Shorts 12 Part: BTS 12 Summary: A timed writing exercise 'money shot' quickie. Keywords: Furry, herm, nosex 30 min Story Starter * * * Stories in this series are simple timed writing exercises. As...

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Breaktime Shorts 9

Author: Tobias Foxx Title: Breaktime Shorts 9 Part: BTS 09 Summary: A timed writing exercise 'money shot' quickie. Keywords: Furry, mf, inc, 1st 42 min Skunk Cub Incest * * * Stories in this series are simple timed writing exercises. As...

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Short Poetry Collection

I was a poet long before I ever wrote short stories much less furry smut. Digging through my laptop I found some old poems I wrote during my senior year of high school. One of them compares me to transforming into a tiger. That's kinda yiffy I guess....


The Short Story of Yin

Hir flowing, dark hair, gave a mysterious aura. As the wolves' eyes gave a frozen, auburn stare. Oddly, being a grey wolf, with shades of dark and light, hir name was Yin. --- Shi gave a grin... "Please..I beg of you! Miss! Let me live!" The wolfess's...

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Festival, A Short Story

Faoul looked out over the fields as he wiped sweat from his brow. A quick glimpse of his foster father's backside though reminded him why he was out here in the afternoon heat. The leather straps of the plough dug into Faoul's meaty chest as the young...

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Short story "Feather"

_This is a short story I wrote to get back into writing again. I initially wrote it more than half a year ago - and in German no less. Now I finally found the time to translate it. The actual story and feelings related to it come from a dream._ ...

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Forgiven. .:~ short story ~:.

Walking down the highway, a husky drank from a plastic bottle before stuffing it back into his pack. A heat haze coated the road ahead and behind him. Panting, he came to a halt at the end of town, standing next...

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Short Tales 3

The red alert had been sounded. Deck three was now evacuated and completely sealed off. In total six crew were now missing and judging by the condition of the late alien crew, they were certainly dead. Captain Russel paced back and forth in his...

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