Fish in a Barrel

His nostrils burn with the stink of stomach acids and half-digested chyme.

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Meal Time Fun (Extreme Version)

The espeon walks away with a full stomach and a contented sigh, his stomach acids already eating away at the mouse in his stomach.

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The Real Sheriff

The sheriff him self was crying deeply,as he splashed in the warm stomach acids of the tiger. as he smelt a strong smell of meat around him. as he screamed filling the acid burn his fur all ready.

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Uncatchable: Mewtwo

Half of your body submerged in the stomach acids of which already stung over you like a thousand needles poking your flesh. feeling your pokemon's balls all around your body pressing against you with the stomach holding them firmly there.

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Marcoul and Lagrathor

Lagrathor raised his eyebrows, "my stomach acids will dissolve all of your metals before you can take a single swing." and at these words, a valve in the dragons stomach released gallons of yellowish digestive liquids into the stomach and knocked marcoul over

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POV vore - you and a bear 1

Your cotton shirt and shorts are so thin they should by all rights dissolve at once, but they seem to be immune to the stomach acids. maybe they will survive, but even if they make it through the bear intact, you sure won't.

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A Commission Dizzying Pleasure

I throw the leftovers away and put my hands against my mouth, the belching goes on non-stop, i gag as the smell continues to stick to my nose, the smell a mix of rotten food and stomach acid.

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POV vore - you and Mdogo the honey badger

When the burn of stomach acid is too much you pat their heads and they back up, each with strings of goo stuck to their whiskers. you get funny looks on the way home.

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Charly the Cute Monster

After two ½ minutes, she'd decided to finally gulp down her quarry, sending it on a one way trip to her boiling stomach acids.

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The Life and Times of a Marin the Panda: Part One

He gasped softly sitting inside of marin's stomach acids feeling the tingling on his skin as his fur began to shed.

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Bambi: a fox's feast (vore story)

It was agony, being digested by the carnivorous fox and feeling her strong predatory stomach acid burning his soft flesh. "i...feel so w-weak..."

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Ripper and Swift - "Bad neighbors" (vore,smut)

Trapped in a pocket of muscular flesh and surrounded by stomach acids the little chihuahua would be dissolved in little more than an hour.

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