A Letter, addressed to whomever will read it.
Wouldn't it be awesome to have a company, compromised of furry artists that specifically sold furry swag?
A Short Essay on Art in the Furry Community
And please, support it--support furry artists by buying commissions, watching the commissioners, and voting on pieces, so that the artists can be inspired, to inspire us back.
In His Gallery
It became fairly obvious that an artist dwelt here, the door having an artist's easel stapled to the frame, the actual material reminding him of bare canvas, as used paint tubes and worn pencils made up the inlaid detail.
Obscene Street Art
"i really enjoy graffiti artists. as in, artists who are graffiti. hahaha...!" that can't be...! you can't possibly have been turned into your own graffiti... a graffiti of a hard, really hard, veiny cock whose big balls were overflowing with...
The Convention
Over a hundred artists transform two vast rooms into a temporary marketplace where visitors can purchase wares ranging from books and games to prints and apparel.
The Darker Side
Much of the content of the sex scenes will depend on the tastes of the artists who work with me, but i have a "throw it all in" mentality; almost no kinks - or story twists - that the artists want to put in will be ignored.
Dour Dolphin
A dour young artist dressed in drab colors slaving over an easel while people enjoyed their vacations all around him wasn't an artistic statement, it was a punchline to a joke about millennials. "just paint what you see, damien..."
How I Learned To Use Distraction and Annoyance Positively
During my childhood, i had a con artist uncle. this story will explain how to be rid of a con artist, and how children and teenagers can avoid most punishments.
Drawing a Tiger
The artist sighed - it's to celebrate a science-fiction and its effect on meta-human rights...
They Plump When You Cook'em | Entree Sized Commission
But such was the lot of an anguished artist, having to make sacrifices for his creations.
The Best Job Ever!
artists can wear what they want and fuck when they want if you want inspiration from it" he said.
Part I: A (not so) short introduction
You will become a trapeze artist like your mother was. it's tradition. no exceptions to the rule, not even for my daughter!"