Change of Fashion

As much as i like the tight shirt look, your closet could really use a breather." "i think his butt could use a breather, too." dragonien's comment was met with a kick to the shin from thunder. "okay, how about this?

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The Draconian Viking (Part 1)

Taking a breather, he took a moment to look around at his surroundings. along the grassy shore, it seemed to be nothing but flat ground that leads off into the woods. what laid beyond that was uncertain and yet to be discovered.

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The Draconian Viking (Part 1)

Taking a breather, he took a moment to look around at his surroundings. along the grassy shore, it seemed to be nothing but flat ground that leads off into the woods. what laid beyond that was uncertain and yet to be discovered.


Desperate Times

The dragon loved to bathe herself and take a breather from the long day of hunting. as she worked her tail and hind legs, her eyes went a bit wide at her groin. nestled in her white skin, between her big hind legs was her beautiful and sweet vagina.

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[SNEAK PEEK]The Harpy's Sire

When he got back he'd take his pick of who he'd keep on as new staff members, as well as one or two personal paw warmers to give his current one a little bit of a breather-in more ways than one. for now, though, it was just him and the dark forest.

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André the Heliolisk vs. Fito the Hawlucha

That's all the breather he gets, because andré charges back and, to avoid being too predictable, this time he does exchange targeting fito's face or gut.

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Two Worlds Collide: Chapter 4

The two fire breathers had no experience in fighting. they only ran away from danger growing up. through all the commotion, spyro finally woke up to see a group of apes advancing, but he couldn't move a muscle.

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Lore Bonus: Argus' Augmentations

Once everything was attached and powered up, we took a quick breather. next, it was time for the simplest part of the operation, but the most dangerous.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.06: The First Strike - Ep04

Thinking that she had lost him, sasuga stopped by one of the halls that contained the classes for a quick breather, panting heavily. "c-calm down, sasuga... just calm down and think... i need... i need to call haz!"

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After The Eggs

He swept her off her paws and into his thick, scaly, ridged coils, a bit rough around the edges, unlike some of the snakes she hung out with, but the fire-breather was much warmer than the cold-blooded cobras and constrictive constrictors.

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3 vs 1 Handicap Match: Firr, Boom and Caiden vs Crash McCloud

He quickly gets out of the ring for a breather. the crowd boos majorly at him. crash notices caiden outside the ring. "what the hell are you doing?" caiden just shrugs and motions at him "none of these idiots want to see you here!"

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Adventures usually lead to death.

With a yawn, the crestfallen ding-hole just takes a breather. the fatso in really ragged robes just gawks. "h-how..?" "did i know? man, you're not the first poor sod sent this way. see those bloodstains? the phantoms? yep. anyways.

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