Dragon Raid
A fox was half the size of a dragon much weaker, perfect size to fit a dragons lust and quite delicious so inevitably, the dragon kingdoms regularly raided the fox kinds towns and cities for food, sex, and slaves.
I , Dragon
I am a dragon.
Dinner With A Dragon
The dragon gave a sharp fanged smile and snapped its talons. in an instant it morphed from a great quadrupedal beast to that of an eight foot tall anthropomorphic dragon.
The Dragon Experience
A dragon was holding him! a real dragon was loving him!
The Dragon in the Deep
Contact with any male dragons.
The Dragon's Bargain
"the laws are written for a reason, dragon." the gryphon's feathers roused along the back of his neck.
dragon gate
Inside was dragon city this door could only be opened by a human and dragon working together to open the twin doors.
Double Dragon
N whispered to the dark dragon as she licked his face more gently and slowly this time before n locked lips with the dragon, the two embraced in a hug.
Dragon Juice
"human or mega dragon, i love you." are her words before falling back to sleep not knowing the tipped over dragon vial on the floor. the end
sleeping dragon
#1 of sleeping dragon dragons who sleep are in human form but they still have there magic so don't be stupid and try and hurt the sleeping dragon as that will get your hands burned.
dragon goddess
#1 of dragon goddess book it will be about a goddess who saves young humans and raises them in a loving home. part one the birth of a boy dragon by sam stewart fiction story only though i wish it where real.
A Dragon's Needs
dragons are needy creatures.