Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.15 - Path of Sin: Sin-Ikage
I see, than i shall teach you the "gun katas"._ her master had started to go through the gun katas one at a time, the whole time explaining them and their reason for existing. _"the gun katas.
This Forsaken World Episode 19
They's takin' guns and goin' ta' searchlight!" "what?!" mama fi screams in a rage. "the gate guards let 'em, 'cause they wanna help. they done took off on us! i tried ta' stop 'em, but they weren't listenin'. i came as fast as i could!"
Detective stories of Mason Armstrong first case
Hit over the head from behind with the butt stock of a tommy gun and i dropped my gun and the dingo says "i'm gonna go look for his partner, he's gotta be around here somewhere" and leaves the room and his boss puts the gun to my head and says to me "did
Hypnovember - Day 22: Straight to gay
His curiosity was stronger, so he went to pick up the little silver gun. "fuck, never thought they were into roleplay," a lion said, giggling at the weird-looking gun the bear had in his hand.
Chiricov- Chapter 8: Bad to Worse
I began to crawl out, nosing my gun muzzle outside. most of my gun was outside as i slowly crawled out, then a heavy boot descended on the muzzle; snapping the bipod and pining my gun firmly to the ground. then the man behind the boot cam into view.
Lost in Los Angeles- Chapter 3
A moan sounded behind her, and she whipped around, bringing the little gun up to bear and pulling the trigger. the gun barked, brass casing bouncing off the wall. the round punched through the zombie's face, splattering blood and brains across the wall.
Wild West Terror
A click of the hammer of the gun being cock was heard and pulled the attention of havoas who looked at the gun and quickly got up and ran off. darcus quickly fired after him but was just off.
A Thin Line - Part Four: The Village
After eight shots, his gun made the _ping_sound the m1 garands are both famous and infamous for. the ping is the result of the empty clip being ejected out of the gun.
Decadence: Chapter Ten: Weapons Training
Cock the gun by pulling back on the top of the gun." he flipped the gun around until it was in tarith's hand; pointed at koruak. "cock it, tarith.
Paws of Fire: Unwritten Story - Chapter 20
He used the gun to swipe their weapons from their cold paws, dropping the gun for a moment as he pulled out his knife and severed their heads with such gorey grace.
Distant Earth CYOA part 29
Zack gripped his gun tightly and followed, he was amazed by the badger's skill with a blaster. he gunned down a squad of troopers without even slowing down.
The Return of the Unlucky Gun
The unlucky gun turned in surprise and saw that calloway had gotten up. the old dog was a bloody mess and had a look that just screamed 'crazy.' he rushed towards them with gun in paw, screaming.