DD's pornstar life: Chapter 2
The university had some really nice bars laced around, and I mean really nice places. There's a real rustic looking irish pub, a tavern that makes the best pizza on campus, I mean you could throw a rock and hit someplace really friendly and welcoming....
DD's Pornstar Life: Chapter 1
My memory gets really fuzzy here, and i consider that my brain showing me mercy. because in my parent's words, 'i gave the performance of a lifetime.'
DD's pornstar life: Prolouge
"I don't know, If I were to tell you everything, it could take a while. Most of my 'guest talent' want to talk payment when the scene's finished. You sure?" I asked. Not that I mind telling my life story, I'm a little narcissistic that way. But I don't...
Foot Fetish Stream Story 4: Fuzzy Foot-Folded Footrest
fuzzy foot-folded footrest for sunkit by draconicon getting used to speaking through signs alone was one of the more difficult things about his new body. the other thing, it turned out, was getting used to his giant, floppy feet.
Jillian searches for the obligatory infodump
"Master, it seems that one of the squads we sent to conquer the Green Isles has not returned." The master looked over the Drow commander. "Fascinating. Any idea what may have caused this?" "No. We are trying to find this out." "I would hope that...
I Think You Dropped This...
fuzzy said with a grin.
fuzzy had a sheath. the mouse's had been removed at birth. fuzzy was also an inch longer.
kitsep chapter 4
fuzzy said yes and jeremy said "good, so lemme sleep" and hung up.
Speak Our Minds
"dozens and dozens," said fuzzy. "we've got quite a while still." the mouse breathed. "well, that's ... more together time." the mouse leaned over and kissed fuzzy's cheek. and again. again. a chuckle.
Cabin in the Woods
fuzzy exclaimed, and grabbed the wolf's shoulders. "now in you go!" everything went black as fuzzy wrapped his lips around kingstarwolf's head. he sputtered and coughed, and was forced into the tight chamber that was fuzzy's mouth.
Heat Waves [Sketch]
Above and around him fuzzy twitched and shuddered, the lines of muscles inside his spade clenching appropriately.
I Hear You Say So
Whiskers twitching and brushing fuzzy's cheeks. fuzzy chuckled at the feeling. hugged. field hugged back. "i think i heard you saying ... you enjoyed yourself." a grin.