Love Ensemble, Part 3

I'll put clothes on and meet you at jazz." blake almost cursed out loud. he forgot that jazz rehearsals were on wednesdays and fridays. there's been enough awkward moments today. he just wanted it to be over.

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MoN - Ch. 8: A Bittersweet Affair

Tommy and tango stood up as well and observed the angry-looking azumarill head towards jazz. blues tugged firmly on the floatzel's tail, causing jazz to yelp. "now wha' do 'ya think yer gonna do now, 'uh?

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How Sandy Met Robbie - Part 10

"i liked jazz too," said randy. "but i never had the patience to learn jazz guitar, so i just stuck with good old power chords and the pentatonic scale for my style." "nothing wrong with that," said manny, laughing.

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Mind Games

"you're beautiful, jazz. i've always thought so.

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Odd Wolf Out: Chapter three

Behind bo and next to jazz, swagger awoke to see his older brother's departure. he dashed out the den to see runt conversing with a young female wolf. then, the two started to walk off.

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[Detective Thursdays] The Ship

Sirens cried in the distance. so i downed my drink and made my way back to the front door, the jazz and booze pulled at me, invited me to stay but, my mind was occupied.

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Chapter One - Meeting

He could do whatever he wanted... even if 'whatever he wanted' translated to being a good boy and simply sitting on a bench, listening to a random assortment of fusion jazz, and feeding the birds idly, a bag of seed carefully tucked in his lap.

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Clown Mare 2-1

jazz walked out of the room and went back downstairs. duke teddy used his right hoof, opened his mouth with his teeth together, and took a bite.

Hayate Chapter 5

Everyone was now looking at us jazz and aurora looked like the shitted and were about to fall back into it. "please hayate i don't want to lose you." he was crying know.

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Fallen Angels, Part Four - Can you Pet a Phantom Cat?

"so, it wasn't always a jazz club?" "jesse's trying to turn it into a jazz revival thing." irene laughed. "it's a long shot from my usual style." a framed photo on the dresser showed irene in her late teens.

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How Sandy Met Robbie - Part 9

"i'm not singing either," said sandy, playing an ascending c major scale on the fender jazz bass that ethan's father randy had let him borrow for the time being. "i don't even wanna sing background vocals."

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