Lips of Life, Lips of Death
Do I want to die? Or is that at The tip of my tongue, the life that I have Desired? Could there be more which shows that This life is worth living, this one is worth Something more than death, something that can halve This pain I feel, desire...
How can i search for something that doesn't exist when the weight of this loss gently touches the lips that he kissed? how am i to find that which i so desperately desire when i lock myself away and never dare say that i love?
**It's been a while since I've been on here, and a lot has changed. My mother was recently admited into the hospital, and this story was a result of a dream that I had several days after she was first admited. It's not what I'm used to writing, and...
The Hours of Darkness - Crimson Eyes: (PROLOGUE)
I was amazed at how i could have survived that much blood loss - there was so much. i stood, my body feeling oddly powerful and light. from where i was, i could see no tracks leading away from where i had awoken.
Into the Darkness: Chapter Four
I buried him later that night, and though I looked around, the only thing I could find of his family I could find was torn cloth, and blood. I moved on that night, ignoring sleep as I made my way north, not stuck to a certain path, as I was numb...
A Year
It's been a year since I saw you last. How has time gone by so fast? A year to the day, You were no longer OK. There hasn't been a day that's gone by Where I've looked over and expected you by my side. Your cage, now clean, still sits upon its...
Kaji had grown wary of Sasuke during the time that he had known the wolfdragon. Both mutts were prone to pranking one another, but as time had gone on in their friendship, their pranks had gotten to be more and more over the top. Sasuke had ended the...
Scared of Not Seeing You
True fear, is loss itself.
The Lost One: Loss of Self
His height suffered more loss as well as his body shrank five inches overall. the removed mass seemed to be building in his waist as a protrusion formed on each side between the ribs and pelvis.
Isolation-Excerpt 21-Loss
I woke up in a lump in the corner of a prison cell. My entire body was wracked with a stiff, sharp pain that seemed to reside in every cell in my possession. My vision was blurry and my head was pounding like someone was hitting me with a...
The Kelpie's Bargain: Loss and Love
He often entertained the idea of bringing his servant with him when he went wandering, but each time he felt a pang of loss at the long dead liana. no.
**unbearable loss** part 4 by snowdrift. 2347 chakona silver lake. glazer residence.