One Day We'll Tie the Knot - Chapter One -
Both are pagan, so settle for non-traditional wedding - and get pawfasted together. nicholas is kind, gentle and extremely protective of his smaller lover - even -if- it does pose a few awkward problems...
Trouble in Paradise
But the angel would not negociate with pagans, and so saw them all die slowly, skin burned and lungs clogged. for a few slivers of a moment, the angel felt guilt and pity.
Fun on Heathen's Night
Dana did not care for the wind chimes or pagan statues, but so long as they continued hosting heathen's night inside their home, she didn't mention it.
The Secret - Part 6
I know there's one guy that we always see at the pagan camp-outs, an' he wears dresses an' makeup an' has a boyfriend, an' nobody minds that. guys hug an' kiss guys an' girl hug an' kiss girls, an' it's all okay, you know?
Archmage, Part 1
I ask, "do you mean pagan magic?" she leans back in her chair. "it doesn't have to be pagans. one of my other students was a catholic.
High School Transformation: Ch 1 Ed
"_ _ after reciting ancient pagan law, corban freely walked up to ed whom was still nursing his huge cock, sitting in a pool of his own jizz.
Eternal Waltz
In the direct center of his tail, during the bulk of it sat a marking that seemed to be pagan or celtic in origin. he wore black leather gloves over his hands in hopes of covering up scars... and his past.
Ouija’ust Wanted To Have Fun
I left krystal beginning to recite a prayer to the goddess (we are a pagan family) and sara was making a thin, but complete circle of salt around the table. i put my finger on the glass, and began a battle of wills.
I Caught God: Ch1: In Which There is a Great Deal of Profanity and Someone Wishes They Could Have Gone Trick-or-Treating Instead
It is a heathen pagan thing that we are not to associate ourselves with. so, as a result, i am at home listening to people having fun next door at our neighbors' rowdy halloween party, getting ready for a marathon session of pokémon diamond.
The Veil
When the veil lifted, as prophesied in many pagan shaman teachings, myth as it was once known is actually nothing but unproven fact. many creatures reside in this world. like all races, there is good and bad in each race. are they seelie sidhe?
The Secret - Part 2
She's gone skinny dipping with some of our pagan friends before, and she doesn't care if she's seen naked or nearly naked. or if hans feels bashful, he could sleep on the couch down here. it's pretty comfy."
Blood Raider Sisterhood
"pagan pirates like him need to be made an example of so the holy justice and love of our lord jesus christ may be exemplified to the galaxy."