Quick One Shot: Irradiated Love
Two-shot curiosity ended when he reached a small slope that lead to a relatively bright room, a small generator connected the various lights in the tunnel while a few buckets collected the radioactive water.
Cybera - an erotic cyberpunk thriller - Chapter 1
Of all of the areas that comprised the kibble - the sections of the sprawl that had been damaged by the radioactive fallout of the war two decades past- even the dank was considered to be unappealing.
Till Death 3
He knew from all their months of planning he would take in some radioactive material from drazzy's semen.
Iron Relics
"fifty thousand radioactive charms..." he murmured softly.
Wastelands-Chapter 6
What many people don't know, unlike other forms of radiation, alpha, beta, gamma, or x-rays, neutrons can actually make things radioactive.
Struggle (Prolouge)
That and because of the general fear and panic that we were radioactive, plus the fact that to most people we were considered monsters. ignorant fucks. that was close to 10 years ago today, like i said, alot has changed.
Unilateral Human Mutation Syndrome 2010-2011
President obama declares the city a national ruin and only uhms capable of living in the radioactive wasteland are allowed to remain.
Unilateral Human Mutation Syndrome 2010-2011
President obama declares the city a national ruin and only uhms capable of living in the radioactive wasteland are allowed to remain.
Ascenscion Run Rampant...
He was easily the largest, best groomed goblinfurre she'd ever lain eyes on, patterned black scales hinted at in varied translucent to opaque; a truly horrible green like a toxic, virulent lime or radioactive neon green so lambent, seemed to hold the eye in
A Surprise Growth
Hey, didn't you bring a geiger counter in case this place was still possibly radioactive?"
Once the radioactive isotope was loaded into it using a robotic arm, the chamber would be sealed forever and no one would ever know he'd done it.
Love Knows No Bounds - A Morning Suprise
Eventually, with no cases of people becoming furs, the government stopped polluting the waterways of the nation and focused on new things, such as radioactive grenades, that might help them in wars.