7even Towers: Chapter Three
Karen as soon as i stumbled into rusty i felt a premonition coming, i was grateful that it wasn't a prophecy because since it came on from bumping into rusty it involved him.
Innocence is Bliss
, rusty said as he yelled towards the mysterious boy. all of a sudden this tight and small wolf appeared. i know what i'm doing tonight. "hey kid, what's your name?", rusty asked. "tony. i'm tony.", the kid said.
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 27: Excitement
rusty's eyes were wide but determined as he gestured and ordered furs around. look at the mouse go. i had always thought of rusty as subdued, but it looked like any fur could transform under straining conditions.
Snippets: A Look Into the Twisted Creative Process of a SoFurry Author
Kathleen got down on all fours and circled around behind rusty, "mmm, now i'm gonna smell you boy. kathy wants to smell her big sexy horny rusty" she stuck her nose under rusty's tail and sniffed his genitals.
Behind The Lens Character Profiles: Pt. 1
rusty loves social events and gatherings but he hates to go to them alone. he typically enjoys going out once a week on a night where he has no work the following morning.
The New Breed, Chapter 5 - Meanwhile, Back at the Farm
"i don't know if you've noticed rusty, honey." delores intoned, "but some of us are not wearing bras." rusty stared at delores' and vikki's chests. his head tilted left and his eyes rolled up as he imagined the implications.
A car called FURR3
It was unlike any other day as today was the day i fell in love with a car, but not any car, my car, that i restored from a rusty piece of junk.
The Slave Gaming League
_" -- shakal was on his last life, having been knocked out by rusty - without his rifle he stood no chance.
Lives for Sale: Lola and the Dragons
rusty had noticed her friend's distraction. she drew the ferretess in for a small kiss. tara accepted it right away. delia was finished then the trio returned to their group.
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 16: Threats
"that idiot rusty got a swipe of me with his knife!" protested sanway from nearby. rusty proclaimed his apology loudly in the distance, "i'm sorry! i know basic emergency care, not knives!"
A bit of this and that and fluff
The fur along his sides and back was different as a dark rusty red flowed along those area's.
Ep4-Training-The Tamers of shadow
So after having some more experience with their powers + the new guy things were looking up, now that nathan was no longer rusty when it came to using his powers.