Elder Scrolls Story: Orgy in the Camp
Orgy in the Camp for DrakeHavok by Draconicon "Alright, guys, alright, you got me." Serrek held up his hands as he walked into the camp, glancing from side to side at the various bandits that were holding their weapons on him. From the two...
Sexy Scales and Bandit Booty
**Sexy Scales and Bandit Booty By Draconicon** Bilegulch Mine was far from the most attractive of places, but it was one of the few caverns that weren't claimed by one of the holds in any major way. Serrek and Arga had been forced to bargain...
Skyrim, Arga's Story Chapter 8: Magic Aid
Skyrim: Arga's Story Chapter 8: Magic Aid Sponsored by Draxinusom By Draconicon It took Arga some time to decide where he wanted the dragon to take him, but eventually he decided on the northern city of Winterhold. It wasn't...
Part 3: The Arena Blademaster
_'You said the slavers took you and other hatchlings to market, but the city you described was most likely Leyawiin.'_ Bloodies-His-Face nodded. 'They took us to Leyawiin first, and then they sailed up the Niben to Bravil where they tried again,'...
Elder Scrolls Story: The Orc Potionmaster
The Orc Potionmaster for Nataraj by Draconicon Sneaking through the old castle was difficult for Nataraj, but the Argonian couldn't stop now. His reputation couldn't take another beating after he was sent running from the dragon beneath...
Scrolls of Etheria - Chapter 3
Welcome to the third chapter of "scrolls of etheria". a new chapter every tuesday! it was the biggest mmorpg ever created, and took the world by storm.
Scrolls of Etheria - Chapter 2
Welcome to the second chapter of "scrolls of etheria". a new chapter every tuesday! it was the biggest mmorpg ever created, and took the world by storm.
Scrolls of Etheria - Chapter 1
Welcome to the first chapter of "scrolls of etheria". a new chapter every tuesday! it was the biggest mmorpg ever created, and took the world by storm.
Elder Scrolls Infinity - 2
After sitting through the afterglow... and the awkwardness... Kala figured she should probably head out. She still had a world to save, after all. The only problem was her mercenary clothes had long since stopped being clothes, and recently had stopped...
The Bandit, The Khajiit Wizard, The Mysterious Stranger and the Secret of Life. Aka The Journal of The Infamous Mad Cheese Cat of Skyrim
Dose anyone even read these types of books in the elder scrolls games? i sure do and is the prime reason i made my own! lol! hope you enjoy!
The Lusty Argonian Maid 3:1
Act 3: One Day in the Maid's Life Prologue One month after Tali was save from Boelith, she is now in a serious and loving relationship with the Nordic General, Varic Snow-born. Varic was dismissed with full honor from the Ebonhart Pact Army due to...
Story Inspired By Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls Skyrim: "A Khajiit in the Capital Wasteland"
Clear as day, the image that flashed in his minds eye returned and it was of a huge golden scroll. "elder..." he said and then saw the scroll open, "scroll!"