Chapter Two
It's my perfect sunrise, and i hope it may serve as an inspiration to live by what i have come to know; that even in the darkest of days, the sunrise still exists, and its beauty can help you find the way that is true to you.
Companions Ch. 38
He watched plenty of sunsets on mountains but never a sunrise. this was a dead end as well, and there were no more hints. planting a sunrise tree. daniel studied the sunrise again. danny was planting the tree during the sunrise.
A Story For Leena (Dawn Epilogue)
A thought came to her, "hey, let's go watch the sunrise from the rainbow forest!" she suggested excitedly.
Rescue Mission
Right before sunrise one of the thugs a purple feline leaves the caves to do a perimeter check and he doesn't come pack till sun high. so i wont have to really worry about him. then right at sunrise the cubs are transported to their new caves.
My Journey Through High School: Chapter 1: My First Day
"you're in luck then," sunrise said, "pine view has the best chess team in the state." "what room?" i asked. "i'll take you there during lunch," he said and i smiled. "thanks sunrise," i said.
Ringo’s Day, Part 1: A Forrest Encounter
Ringo walked through the forest before sunrise, the sounds of songbirds and the scents of dew-laden grasses filled the pre-dawn air.
Central New Year 3 Pt1 The countdown begins
sunrise looked at the lava dragon. "face it, runo, you've got a bruising coming to your ass tonight." "i will not." runo said defiantly. "runo, i was blessed with brains, draco will get you." sunrise replied.
All There is to Say (Chapter 3): The Most Beautiful Thing on Earth
The sunrise, it was called. one of those things in life that we under appreciate, its beauty forgotten. "it's beautiful," whispered a familiar voice - the voice of the one that i see in my dreams.
What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 24
Both beasts had a perfectly good view of the sunrise, with no trees, branches, leaves, or any other obstruction blocking their view. grustur shrugged as he looked at the sunrise and rubbed his nose. "so the sun's rising. what about it?"
"yes dear, years ago before we became famous, we met stephan, illumanati and sunrise at my uncle's house in melbourne. stephan was studying to be a doctor and sunrise was studying to be a physiotherapist.
The Tribe Chapter 5
"soon th' rains wull gallus oor air fur loads sunrises. ah hae na purpose tae fret." "yes," emily breathed, at the hazard of making the horses jump. "many sorrows."
Miklagard (Teaser)
As spectacular as the sunrise had been, it would still be some time before dawn banished the final pockets of night.