Dancing with Anxiety - Preview
Hell, if you didn't see the decal on my bag and start talking about a children's card game with me, i think i woulda ended up spraying myself and clearing the gym." jeff nodded. "maybe, but you're better since you've been self-medicating with weed.
Kaiju on Macro Action
There were no card game tournaments for lethias to train for, no meals needing to be made by minnigan, and both of their phones were off so that neither of their places of work could call them in for emergency shifts or clients.
Luck of the Draw
"card games in general actually. since i've been young i've had a deft hand at cards, and i've rarely if ever lost a card game.
[COMMISSION FOR Jayne] Life At Stake
He hurried to the quiet room where those little games were held, and there was the fox, sitting patiently and amusing himself with a single player card game while waiting on the mouse.
Long ago (1)
On the way we passed by a few guys playing some kind of card game, but we didn't really pay any attention. after walking around the building a few times, i remembered we hadn't even had breakfast. i didn't really care, though.
The Guardian
We have many of the same interests; video games, card games, role-playing, and music.
Tales From Switch City: Jimmy's Tale
In another reality that more closely resembled our own, a young man named jimmy was up late sitting at home on his computer, going over his digital card game deck in preparation for the new season that would begin.
Sunrise on a new planet...Pt2
Kodey was playing a card game with the lupogriff, and was winning. "afternoon all." "afternoon, alduin, you finished already?" "yes, and three excellent scouts coming too." "three?" silverine looked up in surprise.
Aboard the Airship (Reupload)
Martigan claimed the ring had been won in a card game, but then again martigan claimed many things over the years. if the kenku was talking, it was likely that he was lying. he'd raised magpie with the same virtue.
Mind Control Story: The Deck of Perverted Things
Commissioned by fa: drakehavok is this little story where he came up with the deck of perverted things, a small naughty thing that enforces naughty consequences on the players as they lose hands in a card game.
Fuck the Writer Story 3: A Winning Hand(ful)
Considering how much greta was showing off her body during the card game, she had to have some sort of exhibitionistic streak. the wolf would probably enjoy it. not as much as she seemed to enjoy being under her mercy, though.
Scanning the Wrong Card
The d-power model in particular has a card-reader that can be used to scan cards from the digimon card game and give the digimon extra attacks or effects.