High Tea Café -Flyer

#1 of high tea café once upon a time, i had joined sofurry as someone else, a pretend me. now, i'm very much happy with the me who has found his love for writing again. so i've taken this series back and will be posting it under this account.

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A Cooling Rac

once upon a time this was used for something else, but now once a month it was his cell. the beast within him stirred as the moon shone down into the center of the room, but it was still only waking up, so the man was able to suppress the animal.

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"once upon a time, there was a witch. the witch lived in a little cottage in a small town, and the people of the town respected her. then, one day, an inconsiderate youing man threw mud on her, and he set his dog on her.

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Then i can become better :) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ once upon a time there was a girl who was looking in the mirror. but what she saw she didnâ´t liked, and what she liked she didnâ´t saw.

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Prologue - Out of Character

"goldilocks and the three bears...once upon a time..." as the wolf read, his body started to fade, becoming transparent as a piece of plastic wrap, before fading altogether. and thus the wolf left his world.

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The Writer's Curse

"once upon a time..." he backspaced with a self-mocking laugh. he could not really begin like that, could he?

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Wings of freedom

once upon a time, there was a young husky who loved to look at the sky; to lose herself in the immense sea of it, to let her gaze wander in the cyan depth made her sometime lose touch with reality, but it was always for a short time, reality catching her back

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Sparkle and the upset dragon

once upon a time there was a female fairy named sparkle. she's the size of a human and has long red hair that grew down to her back.

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#1 of personal memories once upon a time, i was in a pretty shitty relationship. i'm sure a lot of you can relate. i mean it wasn't all bad, there were good parts too. but when you get cheated on, the good doesn't matter.


The Cave. Part one

:d once upon a time there was a young male wolf man. he lived in a magical forest filled with trees that towered over even the nine-hundred foot giants that roamed the land.

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Fair Fortune

Anyways, as i was saying, once upon a time i would give you money to pick up some food and you'd go out drinking instead." greg paused and frowned. "yeah," he said. "i would." "i didn't mean it like that.

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Whose Your Daddy? Part 4

_come on, come on_ _jump a little higher_ _come on, come on_ _if you feel a little lighter_ _come on, come on_ _we were once upon a time in love._ chance and rudy were than fighting bad guys again and after the swat kats took down their bad guys, both

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