Snowbound: Fox

"and i'm doing a study on absinthe den culture in the capital," the slick fox lifted his glass of sherry in a toast. "so, young kit, why in god's name would you propose going all the way up north to cavort with wolvenkind!?"

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The Outcome of a Dare

"not since the last time when i dared you to down that thirteen ounce bottle of absinth at that party, no." he said as he laughed amused at what was most likely the memory of that night... it was bad. at least it was for me anyways.

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Tail - Chapter 24

Go home, put all your sheets of acid, your bags of cocaine, your ketamine and your whatever-the-fuck-else in a blender, water it down with some absinthe and chug the whole thing. it probably won't taste great, but it'll do the job."

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Nine Cuts

People in the central part of the island put salmonberries in everything--jam, absinthe, wine, sorbet, disgusting little cakes made from acorn flower--and it was as much a staple of the diet as caribou.

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Project Infinity Phase I Chapter 2

Albedo could not help but stare, there was tequila, schnapps of every color, even fucking absinthe, he said to citrine, eyes still fixed firmly on the party waiting to happen, "holy... fuck...

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A Kitten Pays his Debts

His master stood next to the desk that had been set with glasses and absinthe in the traditional manner, and a vast assortment of runes and other magical sundries.

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An Outside Chance

." ~\*~ having gotten a pleasant sense of dissociation going on by way of one absinthe (green, but on fire) one cocktail (blue, yet slightly spicy) and one unidentified shot glass (purple, possibly cough syrup) cleo has already wandered through

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SoFurry House Party 2013: An Outside Chance

." ~\*~ having gotten a pleasant sense of dissociation going on by way of one absinthe (green, but on fire) one cocktail (blue, yet slightly spicy) and one unidentified shot glass (purple, possibly cough syrup) cleo has already wandered through the

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Zippy Zipperdale--Moderately Mad Scientist: The 2nd Experiment

Eve absinth, their very own home made vampire, was not here because she was up in the bell tower sleeping in her soundproof and air conditioned coffin.

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And With His Many Jagged Teeth 2 - His Blood Ran Cold

His soul tasted like madness, bittersweet like absinthe but with the biting spice of remorse as all he had on him were the shoes of a small boy, far too small for an adult.

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The buckstrap

Mescal - the mexican equivalent of absinthe, an intoxicating and possibly deadly mixture of poor decisionmaking skills with a hint of peer pressure added for flavor. the dead agave worm floating at the bottom of the bottle was just garnish.

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My Sword, My Clan 06 - My First Sermon

He was almost certain that there was raspberry and melon liqueur, but he swore that he had also tasted absinthe briefly, a touch of madness within chaos.

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