Stem to Stern

Thick and thin streams of seed gushed into the aqua salamander, forcing another weak load of his own out and across luin's chest.

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Drachenherz Teil 75

"schließlich habe ich eurem kampf gegen aqua die ganze zeit über beigewohnt." "was hast du?", fragte natsu ihn verwundert. "ich war in aqua körper, nur hatte ich keinerlei lust, gegen euch zu kämpfen.

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Minuet of Forest - Chapter 2

"aqua, get out of the way" ren said as he saw them attacking each other hard and fast. he had enough energy to launch a secondary attack, but he wouldn't be able to do that if aqua was too close.

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Drachenherz Teil 35

Du bist wirklich ein aufgeblasener typ, aqua.", meinte sie augenrollend."

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Parts 3&4: A dream, or a vision? and The crossover

aqua and muddy just reached the lake. "so, do you want to start back where we left off this morning?" muddy asked. "sure, but you're leading this time." aqua replied. they began to play and wrestle with each other on the edge of the lake.

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Also aqua here will be helping with filing contact information and other things that... need... filing." cleopatra looked away, "fine, i tire of this commoner work as it is.

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Tales of the Lost Chapter 1:Knight of Rataosk

aqua looked at emil with an angry expression and said "i'm a centurion, centurion aqua!" richter looked at aqua and said "just take care of the boy but don't go and kill him ok?" aqua shook her head and said "yes master richter."

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Chapter 19: Wedding on Aquas

Chapter 19: wedding on aquas the voyage to aquas aboard to the ocean breeze was an enjoyable vacation where they could indulge in many of life's great pleasures.

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Dancing Magic - Quaquaval TF

She giggled, dark blue feathers growing in across his hands and arms, a trio of feathers with an aqua-blue hue sprouting from around his wrists and lower arms.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 22

"you can inform them and they can choose for themselves, but i think aqua's potential has the best chance to make a change in our future." peppy said. "alright, i'll tell aqua as soon as possible."

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Dragonheart Part 75

Pyro, hiita, natsu and sora saw the boy from the aqua back out and looked at it upside down. "who is that?" hiita asked a little nervously. "i do not know." said pyro.

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loving dragons

"aqua for short" the lights brightened for a second and they both saw the colour of their scales better, aquarios was a deep sea blue, his eyes were a topaz like yellow.

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