Diagnosis: Good Dog
Seemed the doctor had a type. "i think we can chalk that up as a success, doctor," she told victoria, who nodded. "yes. the salve _does_ seem to amplify the effects, doesn't it?
[TEASER] What Ails the Mind
"i-i'll think about it, dr. erwin." "please, call me richard," the basilisk doctor replied. "i prefer to be on a first-name basis with my more adult patients; it improves my ability to work with them." "w-well..thank you, dr. e-i mean, richard."
"The Thin Line," Part W
\*\*\*\*\* It is true, what they say: you never remember the details of your dreams when you waken. You do remember, though, sensations. The overwhelming sensation that I had was that I was drowning, and couldn't breathe. I would be bobbing...
One night at the ER
The squirrel doctor drawled in a bored sounding voice, he'd seen a lot of this kind of thing. "ummm yes i guess so..."
In a final attempt to change his patient's mind, the doctor asked, "and you're sure this is what you want? you realize its back to square one once..." "please, doctor! i'm begging you!"
The Beginning of the End
"well, i see you've finally finished, dr. schroeder. i was beginning to think you'd given up on your work." my tail and ears were flickering all about; i had never been so nervous. "erm, dr. schroeder, would you mind taking a walk with our... engineers?"
My Life as a Slave 4
My Life as a Slave Physical Condition The master brought me back to my room and she told me that I needed to go to sleep. I told her that I was fine...
The Experiment - Chapter 1
However kerian just gave a little smirk as the doctor tries to goads him a little. "and leave my friend alone?... i'll deal with it doctor."
The Hunter And The Female Gryphon
Korseth helps the gryphon up so they can head back to the hospital together that the doctor has others to tend to at the medical building. he stands there for a moment and examines his arm. "amazing.
"doctor undris, doctor undris! i'm glad i caught you" she said in a sing song voice, her tail making small nines behind her. "dorothea! where's your jacket?!" i asked her, another frigid gust of wind sending shivers down my spine.
University year (part6)
The doctor stood up, walked to the curtain to my right and puled it open, i saw sam lying in a bed, with a blood bag hooked to him, the doctor said "his air bag did not fully inflate... and as it turns-out the bull moose do still have there antlers.
Hal visits the doctor
"predatory habit, doctor." sylvia took a moment to admire her son's work and spoke softly while reaching for the doctor's face.