The gutpunching home - Sidestory 1

He knows that he's exaggerating and that haxorus himself has a punch that would make even the most sturdy of abdomens fold.

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Pet The Kitty: $20

His own features were more rounded, clean-shaven body exaggerating the curves and contours of his light brown skin.

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The Curse | Chapter 6 [Comm]

Facing groll and turning his back to the audience, dylan bowed exaggeratedly showing off the large, almost ballooning size of his diapered behind to the crowd.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 12

Was he exaggerating his flippantly good mood to make a point, or was he just always like this?

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Growing Up Greenfield (2)

He did it again, exaggerating the motion with a quick little flick of his mouth, this time rewarded with a little of the thick, clear liquid. it was about the consistency of honey, but sweeter - with a little tang of something he couldn't identify.

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Calvin and Stephanie: The Morning After (Chapter 2)

With a somewhat exaggerated exhale of breath, calvin stood and turned a smile already on his lips to finally face his rescuer.

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Thomas simply looked at him the way he always did and said with an exaggerated purr. "you know your clients like me trevor. isn't it your responsibility as manager, to satisfy their needs?"

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Stories From Elton High | Chapter 11

If it were anyone else, he would have been sure that the limp was badly exaggerated. mr. heeley, however, was not one for exaggerations. he wore the same look as his son -- cold determination.

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Chapter 6

I think you're exaggerating." "am i? donna, there are people that can practice medicine for decades without ever really _learning_ what practicing medicine is all about. it's not just about fighting disease and fixing leaky heart valves.

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Perils of the Closet

He'd be listening to her exaggerated moans, ignoring the wolf altogether except for his cock; more than anything, he'd want to see her tail raised, the wolf in her. frowning, jason stepped away.

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The Life of Another - Chapter 7

I flashed an exaggerated toothpaste ad grin, the kind that almost makes a -twing- sound while light gleams off a canine tooth. four sets of ears all spun to face me.

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Flash Fiction: The Manticore

She stopped with her face inside the valley, taking turns nuzzling each hefty breast with slow, almost exaggerated, strokes.

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