A Hunter in a Pickle
- to really gain insight on your methods that fateful day, inmate. pomari replied. let's start from the beginning. i understand that during your hunting career, you picked up plenty of tricks, am i right?
What once Was...Ch5
He knows he can talk to both, perhaps gain some insight in to what each one wants. he knows who she is and the two have fooled around a little in the past, but he then thinks about earlier with joey and how he meshed well.
Commission for Zohaku-A twist of events are great for love
Like misty, when lily had gone about casting the spell on ash and the end result being something completely different than expected it was a rather curious circumstances to say however it allowed ash to gain insight about his friend.
A Clockwork Accountant
I think that, should you build upon your communication skills with brenda here, you will find his insights to be most helpful with regards to the issues spoken of earlier.
A Little Foresight
"you're going to find this so insightful, greenfang. just you wait. but, good news, the collar means that if you don't want to remember, you won't."
Morgana the vampiress
I had some insight to why she loved him so, but i felt bad for intruding on her personal diary. but those were thoughts i could've read had i scanned her mind during a quiet moment alone.
Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 21: White Paper: Positronic Neural Nets
Obtained shortly before they ceased communicating, these documents provide unusual insights into the workings of such vast intelligences.
Strawberries and Big Boobs Pt. 6
He removed his paw and sat down next to cytheria, not wanting to insight anymore bad behavior than necessary. she looked over at rogier and smiled. he took that as a good sign and went to put a hand around her shoulder.
An Ordinary Day - Extra: Character Bios
He can be insightful and flexible, but may be uninvolved and insecure on a bad day. his sign is aries. he is independent and straightforward.
Warm Up - 10 | Company
All that the dox knew was that someone knew his position, and could provide much needed insight. the tiger's eyes glinted like a proverbial sage. "a prospect, right?" "yes, sir, i am."
Dad Camp Roster
Also, gives you an insight on what some characters think of elliot.
Opponents of Dusk Prologue; A forsaken battle
#1 of opponents of dusk this basically just gives some insight on something important later on "show some respect on this deck for the dear departed, gather ye's round let's be bound by the work we started, save all your strength for the length of the task