Kobold's Desk Pet
You're just a kobold's pet now.
Grik The Great - Chapter 1
Grik is a kobold with fantasies about becoming a dragon. afterall, what is a kobold if not just a tiny dragon?
Neutral Ground
Just above the base of the other kobold's tail.
Kobold Week: Swapped Vanity
It's kobold week! no i don't know why it's kobold week, but it's kobold week! (thanks to koviell on fa) in this story, a kobold messes around in his master's treasure hoard and activates a magical item without thinking better of it.
EverTech Chronicles: Dakota
The kobold couldn't even begin to try and make sense of what they were.
A Kobold's Heart
The poor kobold wasn't quite sure how to respond.
Cursed Carapace
She hissed and waved her tail enticingly, inviting the next kobold to screw the dragoness. and so the next kobold came.
Kobold Funtimes Ch1
#1 of kobold stories a kobold by the name of nix attempts to smuggle herself into a well-fortified city, she enlists the help of a lizardfolk by the name of vick to help.
Papa Prakibak
You're coming with me, young kobold!" with that, the mighty arm of the dig-boss grabs the smaller kobold by the horn, dragging them away from the line.
Acceptable Distractions
The two kobolds hugged, malk making sure to grind his cock against the other kobold in traditional kobold greeting. he then stepped back to allow the red-scaled kobold began to strip down. dave gave a small nod, before patting zodim on the shoulder.
And i keep getting reminded by one kobold in particular to put it up here. ahh, maybe i'm the one in need of some kobold negotiating :> "i trust the little monsters about as far as i can throw them.
The Lone Kobold [Human(m)xKobold(f) sex, violence, romance]
When was the last time i even saw a kobold?!