The beginning

I have called you here so you, the strongest of your lair will plegde your loyalty to me and subjecting yourself to me for me being your new master. if you do this you do not need to worry about the protection of your lair.

Fan Fiction - The Witch's Demand

The sound was still echoing off the stone walls of the lair. but not her lair. someone else's. no. his lair. she felt a strong wing wrap around her, and felt a tug close to someone warm.

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Master and Pet Reunited

He was just about to start, when he heard a loud noise coming from outside, he quickly walk outside and saw a whole army of cops coming towards the lair.

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Dragon Fertility

"i'm better than ever," was all xage heard before the entrance to the lair exploded in a shower of eggs and stone.

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Pai's Begining

She grinned evilly as the blue plush bird soon got up and walked out of her lair following her command. "well jamba..." she said to herself. "it will be the queen who has the last laugh!"

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Forest Keep 8

He fondled the cloth and grinned as he imagined cill lying upon it in her lair.

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"what are you doing in _my_ lair?" trielmur'ss snarled. "your lair?" stuttered a nearby male. trielmur'ss snapped at him, missing his face by inches. the drow fell backward with a cry that made trielmur'ss laugh.

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Forest Keep 11

Grabbing her muzzle he caught her gaze and smiled at her "your lair cill.. take me to your lair..." she writhed against him slowly, "mmmm?"

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Shackles & Jessarin - Chapter 1 & 2

He stopped briefly to close and lug the chest up, he put it right between her knees, and then he proceeded right along on taking her back to his lair.

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Chisagi Brant Root Beer

"so much for a backup lair while the treehouse is being expanded." "backup lair?" nait tilted his head. then realizing the meaning of the words became indignant. "hey! this is my secret lair! go find your own!"

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The Dragon-slayer Gerard

Before the day grew cold, the dragon fished him out from the mud at the bottom of a pond, and carried him back home to the lair.

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Night Visitor

All of a sudden the room filled with light, and kith realized that she had found the dragon's lair.

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