Witching hour
Liza slowly looked up, the liquid oozing its way up her tan leg and into her pussy despite her best efforts to keep it out and transformed into a clear liquid dildo.
To his surprise, the first thing he noticed was how cool the liquid felt as he consumed it.
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It was odd having something so liquid, so soft and insolid, yet so unyielding, between her legs.
Chapter Three
The liquid ran down the base of saphira's tail, spilling onto the ground. overall, it was a large, pleasure-some mess. saphira licked her paw clean, enjoying byzil's taste another time.
Loving Embrace
You cough and gag as the liquid rushes in. somehow, the liquid is even thicker and sweeter than the nectar you squeezed from the vines. it's actually wonderful tasting, and you start swallowing it by the mouthful.
How Artists Collaborate
After what feels like forever, the flow of liquid cuts off, leaving me coated in the viscous, white liquid. i open my eyes. excess liquid is dripping off my body, but most of it clings to my skin, forming a smooth, shiny surface.
Borderlands - Varkid Variation
The liquid wasn't entirely unpleasant. it bubbled like a carbonated beverage, most likely the trapped air dissolved into the liquid.
The Nexus Island Resort - Day Seven
Havok could smell the strong spirit even before he picked it up to look at the liquid.
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Started to get more prominent, it wasn't coming from just her hand, she felt a cold feeling in between her leg stumps, her pussy had started secreting the same pink liquids, she felt a pressure form at her breasts as well, she tried to scream for help, but
Tavern's Special Milk
We men can secrete a special white liquid from our nipples. said liquid is nutritious, tasty and has healing properties. it's not milk, i swear!
Tiffany's Gift
She moaned as her belly swayed about and she could hear the liquid within slosh as it accumulated. her dome of a belly inexorably swelled with more and more liquid, growing to reach two feet wide as her womb inflated with ever more fluid.
Constricting Emotions
With a sound of glee, she fastened her lips around his cock, and started to suckle at it rapidly, swallowing in between hard sucks, trying to milk him dry of his liquid, tongue coiling and squeezing, coaxing the last of his liquids from him until he gave a