Arky's offer 2
I flexed my dick inside him and purred softly as i started a merge with him, the rat's big shaft on my chest now sending its pleasure to my brain as well.
(Fe-)male Desires
(Fe-)Male Desires "Oh yes. Oh yes, that's it Marcus. More. Give me more.", Natasha moaned in lust with her hips bucking irregularly while her brother's dick swelled larger. God how she loved that sensation. The feeling of having her brother's head...
[c] A Lack of Certainty
Unlike annie, who spent most of her time as herself, most of silv's days were spent merged with his summon, maelstrom.
A Chance Encounter
"since you're new to this i felt like a full merge would be a little overwhelming, so instead i had you do what would normally happen with organics that you fancy taking control of.
The Wizards New Staff
Vel Gahrus looked up at the massive stone tower that awaited him. The dragon wore a black robe with a large straw hat, complete with a large wooden cane. He just started his adventuring days as a wizard, and he was ready to start with his first task, a...
Tale 6-1 - When in the City of Jackals
"So, you're saying there's this fountain in this city, Navarre, that we're headed to, and if you drink from it, it can enhance your magical power?" Brian seemed quite intrigued by this, wondering all sorts of things about it. A dusty jackal sat amidst...
Belial: Family Bonding
They were merging, their bodies fusing into one. the purple girl's skin was now an extension of her mother's sex, their nervous systems linked so that they felt all the sensation of the other.
The Bal'Kar Blitz (5/10)
As the bull transformed on top of him the fox, which was still mostly his vulpine form, had taken his hand and ran it under the clothes of the dragon before neatly slicing them away with the sharpened bone blade that his fingers had merged into.
Cooperative Management (8/10)
Their shoulders popped and expanded as the last bastion of their merging, their heads, were the only things that hadn't come together yet.
Snake in the Grass
"it appears there is literally no going back for either of us now, the genetic components of my body appear to have fully merged with yours and have created some sort of hybrid... strangely it appears to have taken a transformative path that resembles
Some nice cuddly cosy times with a bit of sinking, merging and transformation; it's a lovely way to relax, isn't it?
The small chime sounded twice, to tell Sige that he had a gig. The kitty read through the brief again, just to be sure it still made sense; two to eight days, thought sharing, speech overlay. Nice area of town. Someone really wanted to be him for a...